Diary of a Madman

The Primer

Dear Diary,

I'm thinking so hard about my day, it's driving me insane. I think my imagination is having a field day on my mind. It's making me believe that Rebma likes me, which is strange considering I'm older than her. I wonder if I should ask her, but then that woul- WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME? This is like Jess all over again! Pick your poison, date your friend (fuck best friends) or date the girl you just met, which one of these leads to my neck in a noose earlier?

Actually, I should reword that. Which one leads to our necks in a noose? Blood flowing down, two bullet holes where eyes should be...shit..I'm a sick person aren't I? I find it funny that I can continue to write frivolous bullshit upon your grays without you caring, but I seem to forget sometimes that your grays come from me.

Anyways, my day was as average as can be for the end of the week. At least we have an extended weekend, maybe it'll give me time to sort my thoughts out. It's strange, I think i blacked out again, but I don't remember. It's sort of like being drunk, but in full control, according to the people who have seen me when I'm blacked out..

I can see the moonlight coming through the glass, maybe it's time I ascend to my upper sanctum, perhaps I can rest and sharpen my wits for a time. I have nothing feasible to do for the next fortnight, perhaps I shall continue to discover new ways to write upon your gray inner light, my diary.


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Anyone notice how nice the writing got after he talked about blacking out? ;)