Diary of a Madman

Cinders Of The Past

Dear Diary,

It's been four months since I have written within you, seeing as my house burned down. Wow, I lost everything...at least my new house is closer to SOCES, which means I can wake up a little later than normal anyways. I got a new diary anyways, but I guess I need to update you on the four months that have passed.

Rebma and I went out for four months, and we just broke up a little bit ago. I'm depressed, aren't I? I can't help but laugh, because I used to think people that broke up with their girlfriend and made a huge deal about it were all inane fools, but now I see how much it hurts. I feel dead on the inside, empty, hollow, G-d save me.

You must be wondering what happened after the police questioned me all those four months ago...well, Jess was found dead...relatively close by to my house actually, which freaked me out. I saw my best friend armless and legless, with strange markings all over her. I wonder which sick freak has the mindset to do that kind of shit.

It hurt seeing her like that, but well, what am I going to do? I wish I could find that madman who decided to write strange scribbles all over her and mutilate her body. The police seem to be doing next to nothing to find this criminal. It's so strange, it seems like yesterday that I first met her, now she's dead. Life shouldn't work like that.

Poor girl, so full of life. Why does everyone die around me? I wish I knew.... I need some time...

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I'm freaking myself out now..