Diary of a Madman

Entry Two: Day One

Dear Diary,

My first day of school was amazing! My school is called SOCES, its in the middle of freaking nowhere though. It's all good though, because the people there are AMAZING! I have to tell you about my classes first though! I mean we are best friends right?

My first period is my English class, my teacher is some crazy 27 year-old guy named Mr. Aiden; When I walked in to the class, he freaked out jumped up and down screaming "CLASS! THIS IS OUR NEW STUDENT! HIS NAME IS ALEX!!!!"

It was so embarrassing, but I guess it was for the best (all those kids have known each other since 5th grade! This school is a 5th-12th grade school.) because I sat next to this really nice girl named Jessica. She was really helpful and she even offered me to eat lunch with her and her friends! I couldn't believe it! After that, Jessica and I compared schedules and it turns out that she has 4 of my 6 classes! (The only two exempt were French and Volleyball) I mean, my luck couldn't get any better right?

So, Jessica and I walked together to OUR second period, History, (which we were two of seven 9th graders in an AP World History class.) Our teacher, Mrs.Taylor was a bit less insane than Mr. Aiden. When the class started she went through the usual "Blah Blah Blah This Course Is Difficult Blah Blah." Who the hell even listens to that dumb speech that teachers give to us every year? It's always the same speech too, do they all get together one day and say, "Hm how can we bore students the second our class starts this year? Oh I got it! We can tell them a boring ass speech that nobody cares about!"

Finally, after class ended and the high pitched bell yelled out that class was over, Jessica beckoned to me to follow her. We walked together (I was holding her books naturally) to her locker (which was right next to mine! What luck I was having today) So we could get our books for our next class. After I got my Italian and Science books and Jessica got her French and Science books, we walked to some grassy field or something, I don't know it was right in the middle of the school. She then instructed me to sit down, and then she handed me a turkey sandwich. I mean, how much nicer could she get? She packed three sandwiches everyday, one for her, and two for her friends.

After about 5 minutes, this girl came to where we were sitting, her name was Jamie, now this girl, she was fucking gorgeous, perfect body, perfect everything, she was every man's dream. Including mine, G-d damn if I could get her in bed, that would be my dream.... Well, but enough of that, Jessica introduced us two, the usual formalities, and then we sat down and began eating. Jessica began chatting with Jamie about some boy that had caught her eye, I think his name was Aria or something, I don't know, he sounded like a pretty cool guy actually.

She had only began talking when the bell to go to third period rang, Jessica quickly pointed out the room that I would have to go to for Italian and then wished me good luck. As I walked in the class, the teacher, Mr. Guilani, a tall Persian/Italian man ran up to me and shook my hand. He then told me to stand in front of the class and introduce myself, and as I did something caught my eye, a kid in the back of the class was wearing a Slipknot shirt! Now diary you may not know, but I adore Slipknot! I saw them in concert twice and it was amazing! After my little introductory speech, Mr. Guilani asked me where I wanted to sit. I pointed to the kid in the back with the Slipknot shirt. He just nodded and told me to go sit there.

As I sat down the boy in the Slipknot shirt looked up and smiled at me (I was wearing a Slipknot shirt too.) As I sat down he quickly introduced himself, his name was Aria; The same Aria that Jessica had a crush on. My original thoughts on him were actually spot-on! He was one of the nicest people I had ever met in my life. We had so many of the same interests it was amazing! We became best friends literally in 10 minutes. I asked him if he knew anyone here and he quickly replied with a sheepish "No", it turns out, he was new to this school too! So I offered, being the nice guy I am, for him to join Jessica, Jamie, and I for lunch.

As the bell rang to dismiss us, he told me that he'll wait around room 215, which was right next to my locker. I quickly agreed and ran off to my 4th period, Science. The teacher's name was Ms. Yu. She was actually really nice, and she became my favorite teacher in a matter of 10 minutes. She allowed us to choose who we sit next to, and I chose to sit next to Jessica. Who of course agreed without question. Ms. Yu skipped the whole "inane course speech" as she called it and got straight to the class. We all got a worksheet, which was meant for her to get to know us much better. She wanted our name, (Alex Cohen) our favorite hobbies, (Basketball, writing, music, and volleyball) our thoughts on SOCES, (Not half bad) and finally what we wanted to achieve in this class (Get an A, no shit sherlock.)

Jessica had slightly different things though. She, of course, wanted an A, but her hobbies were drawing, singing, and texting. She was so girly, she even openly admitted it. 15 Minutes passed and Ms. Yu was done waiting for the slow writers, and she quickly went around collecting all the papers. The class went by so quickly, 60 minutes passed by so quickly. Jessica and I ran out of the door (I'm not kidding we really did) and on our way to our lockers, I told her about Aria and how I had invited him to eat with us. She turned pale and quickly replied "ok"

Aria was waiting exactly were he said he would be. When he saw me he ran up gave me a hug (I guess he was the touchy-feely type, nothing wrong with that I guess) and then she looked at Jessica and asked who this beautiful young lady is. Jessica turned a bright red, sorta like a rose, and introduced herself. Aria waited for us while I got my Geometry book and Jessica got her Algebra II book (I guess we weren't in the same math class after all), and then we walked to the field and began eating. Aria and Jessica became very good friends quickly, but Jamie never showed up this time. Jessica told me she usually eats with the cheerleaders and sports freaks during lunch. So it was just us three, Jessica, Aria, and I. It was really one of the best lunches I had ever had, Jessica and Aria became friends quickly and she seemed noticeably happier over the course of our 45 minute lunch. When the bell rang Jessica and I walked to our classes together (they were right next to each other) and we wished each other good luck and walked in.

My math teacher was some crazy old lady named: Mrs. Solen. She quickly instructed us to take out our notebooks and start the notes she had on the board. What the fuck was her problem? It's the first day of school! We aren't supposed to work! Well whatever, I wrote down theorem 1-1, something about vertical angles were congruent to each other and did a few problems. She then assigned our homework (WHAT THE FUCK) and it was sorta easy, it was to do page 10 1-5 (odd). When the bell rang I quickly ran to my locker (after saying "Hi" to Jessica of course, and grabbed my bag of volleyball clothes.

When I arrived, I was surprised to see Aria there, all dressed and ready to go. I quickly got dressed (It was embarrassing though, because I had to change in front of the whole gym and I'm really fat. Well after that we set up the nets and sat down as a team, the coach's name was Coach Griffin, he told us what we were expected to do and what goals we had to reach as a team. After that we got up put our hands up and someone screamed "SOCES on 3!" and we all screamed in unison "1,2,3 SOCES AWOOH!" After that I got in line for what was a three on three match and when I served it it flew straight over the net and "aced" the guy on the other side. It felt good, and Aria congratulated me as I we ran to the other side. We played the three-on-three tournament (or "deep court" as they called it) until the bell rang. Coach dismissed us and we ran out on my way out I saw some 12th graders walking to the back of school, I remembered that Jessica warned me not to go there, so I listened to her and ran to my locker and got whatever I needed. I wished Aria and Jessica goodbye and ran to the car where my mom picked me up.

That was my first day of school diary! I made two new friends and people didn't make fun of me at all!


P.S. I have a really good feeling about this school year!
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Well entry two, it's sorta boring but well I didn't want to go into the action very fast this time. :] Tell me what you think please. :] (Btw I used a ton of references to myself, but I guess thats what this story will end up being about.)