Diary of a Madman

Entry Three: Bully

Dear Diary,

Today was fucking horrible! I mean, it was nice to see Jessica, Jamie, and Aria after that really long and boring weekend. My first week at SOCES was actually pretty fun! I had almost no homework (except for that bitch Ms. Solen) and I made three new friends. Life was good, well that was until today of course. There was this kid named Ethan, he had an eye for Jessica and he openly admitted it. He stalks her or something I don't know, Jessica was telling me about it. She begged me to stand up for her if she saw him, and well five minutes later I saw him walking behind us, slowly eyeing Jessica as we walked. Jessica whispered that we should hold hands so he goes away, so I thought no harm done right? Well, how wrong I was, the second we held hands (and made it seem like we were a couple.) Ethan turned pale and started screaming obscenities at me. I couldn't make out half the things he was saying, but it was along the lines of "You fat fuck! Get your fucking hand off her!"

Jessica wide-eyed suggested that we run away, but I'm not one to be cussed out. All I told her was to run to her locker, and that I'd meet her there. What the fuck was I supposed to do? Stand there and take the words he was yelling at me? Hell no! I stood my ground, much to Ethan's delight; All he said was that he'd enjoy beating the shit out of some "fag who touches his girl" by G-d how delusional was this idiot? So I did what any man would do. I put my fists up and I was ready to fight. In the beginning, I was getting my ass handed to me, it was sad. Then the low-lifes started to crowd, try and "fire up" the fight. I guess something worked, because suddenly everything clicked. It took one punch, and he was running away. Jessica would be my witness that he instigated it and that would give me complete impunity.

I guess I was wrong because in Mr.Guilani's class I got a note to go to the dean. Aria quickly asked what was up and I told him I had no idea. When I got to the office that little fuck Ethan was there bawling his eyes out to the dean about how "I started it" and "He should be expelled" it made my blood boil! I calmly sat down and explained the three sure-fire things I should tell a dean: I have a witness, I was not the instigator, and I was defending myself. The dean quickly asked me to tell me the name of the witness and I told him that her name is Jessica Wynn and that she should be in her French class right now. Ethan immediately stopped whining and shot me a look of death. When Jessica came in, she was shocked to see that I was in the dean. Poor girl never even knew we had a dean, his name was Mr.Grodef by the way, sorry, I forgot to mention that before. Well, Jessica cleared my name, rather quickly and I got off with a warning. Ethan, on the other hand, was hit with a 2 week suspension. Jessica couldn't stop smiling on the walk back. It was great to see her happy, but it made me worry, because what if he came back? He would be pissed OFF and not the normal kind. He would be as mad as I was when I caught Jenna cheating on me. Oh well, I got weeks before that comes up at least.

The rest of the day went like a dream, Aria found out that Jessica like him and he asked her out, right on the spot! I'm so happy for him! Ms. Solen gave me a ton of homework though (thats why my day was so bad!) and I did terribly in volleyball. Aria did offer to teach me how to get better at hitting. I may take up that offer sometime soon. Then after school something terrible happened! I saw Ethan walking by the school and he dropped a note at my feet. All it had written on it was "You're dead." It spooked me a bit, I have to admit, but all is well otherwise. Well! It's getting pretty late! I should go to sleep, thanks for listening to another one of my stories. You're a great friend diary!


I went down in my basement during the weekend, and it seems like a really great place to have some fun, if you know what I mean.
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Well 3 entries in 2 days! Its a record! Tell me what you think and all that jazz