Diary of a Madman

Entry Four: Talent?

Dear Diary,

I found out that I have a talent today! It was during English class, Jessica and I were joking around with the idea of writing and she dared me to write a poem, a love poem to be exact. I quickly accepted her challenge and shocked her in one fell swoop. I wrote a poem called "Beauty", and...well, here, let me rewrite the first stanza for you.

Your beautiful voice would stop a speeding bullet
Every word that you speak is music to my ears
The entire world stops in its awe of you beauty
Nothing can even begin to compare to your beauty

Jessica was in shock when she read the whole poem. I could actually see the tears beginning to form in her eyes. She was speechless for the longest time before I broke the silence and asked her if she liked the poem. That broke her out of her shock, well sort of, she just nodded and smiled. When she finally regained the ability to speak, she asked me if I had ever written a poem before. I answered truthfully and told her I had written one for my ex-girlfriend, Jenna. Jessica of course, since she is the most curious person on this world asked me about Jenna.

Well, I had no real choice but to tell her. I told her that Jenna was my first (and only) girlfriend. I told her how beautiful she was and how every boy hated me for being her boyfriend (her first boyfriend, mind you that!) and that we had "gone out" for 8 months. Jessica seemed totally absorbed in the story. I could tell she was enjoying it, because she had just gotten her first boyfriend 7 days ago (Aria) and she was madly in love with him as I was with Jenna. I decided that if she wanted the truth, I would have to tell her the whole truth. As the good parts of Jenna started to wind to an end, I began telling her why we broke up.

It was January 10th, the day of my birthday (to add insult to injury.) We had planned to go to the movies, but Jenna called me the night before and told me that she was sick and couldn't go to the movies with me. It was funny, I should've known then, because she didn't seem sick on the phone. I guess I was too infatuated with her to care. Well, I decided that I had been planning to go see a movie for a while now, so I went alone. It didn't even take me 10 minutes to notice Jenna was at the movie theater, but it was weird, because she was with a guy from our school. His name was James Renderto, he was a jock on the football team. I think he was in 10th or 11th grade, I couldn't tell. Jenna didn't notice me there, which gave me the idea to follow her to whatever movie she was watching. It was just my luck that they went to see Watchmen, the movie I was going to see anyways. I waited for them to sit down, and I sat down in the seat above them. I had the perfect view of them the whole movie. As the movie started Jenna got up to go get him some popcorn, I couldn't believe she'd be such a tool! When she came back she whispered that she loved him more than anyone in this world. My worst fears had come true! She was cheating on me!

I wasn't going to stand for it, but I waited and watched, like any good predator. I was not the one who was going to be made a fool of, so when they started kissing midway through the movie. I just watched and waited, until the movie ended. I followed them until they went into an alley. It was my time to strike, I snuck up behind both of them and knocked them out, and then it all went blank. I told Jessica I couldn't remember anything after that, by now she was bawling. To the point where the teacher looked at me and gave me the "go outside and cheer her up" look. I got up and beckoned Jessica to get up; the second I got outside she hugged me as tight as she could, and just kept saying that she's sorry and that I didn't deserve to be cheated on. I just kept reassuring her that I was fine and that I didn't want to see her cry like this. She just kept crying though, to the point where I had to go find Aria (who had Science class during first period) to help cheer her up. Ms.Yu saw that Jessica was ballistic and even came outside to talk to her. That cheered her up plenty, he apologized to me for losing control and it was because she gets hurt easily. Whatever, you know? I was fine with it, as long as she wasn't crying. We went back to class with about 5 minutes before the bell rang and copied down our homework (which was to write a poem, ironic no?) and went to our second period.

The rest of the day went by normally, Jessica seemed much happier when she saw Aria at nutrition. It was their first week anniversary, and he had bought her a giant teddy bear and a really nice card. It was actually pretty sweet of the guy. Jessica was very happy; she hugged Aria (ok, more like tackled but still you get what I mean diary) and kissed him (his first kiss and her first kiss.) She turned as red as a rose, but I was more surprised that Aria turned redder than her. She just giggled when they stopped kissing and resumed eating her lunch. Jamie had actually spent this lunch with us, she was as wide-eyed as I was.

The day got really weird after lunch time though, Ms. Solen was absent today, there was a sub named Mr. Stevenson. He was a weird guy, but the cool kind of weird. He began class by asking us what kind of music everyone likes (I was the only one who liked Metal) and then gave us a worksheet on proofs (Fuck proofs! Fuck them! I hope they fucking burn in hell!) and then let us out 5 minutes early. I waited by my locker for Jessica, like always, but she never showed up. I guess she already had her books, so I went to volleyball and when In saw Aria, I asked him if he had seen Jessica. He said that he hadn't seen her since lunch. I guess she went home early or something. After school, I called her and she confirmed my suspicions, she had a stomachache and went home early.

When I got home, the first thing i did was run down to the basement and "explore" it a bit. It wasn't that creepy actually. It reminded me of a serial killer's lair, but that was just my over-active imagination. I decided that my weekend project would be to put some chairs down there and cleaning it up a bit. It sounded good in my mind, but that place is a mess, it'll take more than a weekend. I went swimming a bit afterwards, but that was until my mom called me in and said that someone was at the door for me. It was Jessica! She wanted to get the homework she had missed from me. I gave her the homework, and she pointed out her house, right across the street from me (looks like she'll be over a lot more often) and then thanked me and hugged me before she ran back to her house. It's actually getting way too late! It's just so much fun talking to you diary, I'm sorry, I'll talk to you tomorrow though.

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4 ENTRIES IN A WEEKEND! I want a cookie for this! Tell me what you think please :D