Diary of a Madman

Entry Five: New Diary

Dear Diary,

I'm almost out of room on you! I can't believe that you hold only this many words! My last diary went for 15 entries before I ran out of room! I'm disappointed with you. I need to get a new diary soon, but whatever. Today was actually really fun! Some interesting things happened but well some bad things happened too...

Ethan came back today, I guess they let that psychopath back early. Maybe he can help me get a new diary! Oh well, I'm getting too excited about a diary. I need to continue telling you about my day. First period was actually really fun, Jessica was her usual happy self, but today something was off. She came into class much happier than usual but she was just...well...silent. Every time I talked to her she just smiled and nodded. What the hell happened? I still don't completely know! The entire period was like an interrogation, but toward the end she started talking again! She told me that Aria had gotten her tickets to a Coldplay (her favorite band) concert, and she was too happy to speak. I was actually happy for her, Aria really is a good guy. When the bell rang she basically skipped to second period. I mean I know she was happy, but this happy? That's a bit much....even for her.

When we got to second period she was her normal self again. It was like she had been possessed or something. She immediately turned pale though the second she looked up to copy the agenda. I thought she saw a ghost, but when I looked up, I saw Ethan was standing next to the teacher, a pink transfer slip in hand. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was stalking me...guess he's a man of his word. "You're dead." HAH I'd love to see him try.

I felt really bad for Jessica though. She was basically depressed the entire day. Aria couldn't even cheer her up. ARIA! HER BOYFRIEND! What the fuck had come over her? Was she this scared of him? Oh well, I reassured her that he wouldn't get near her. I guess I'm like her guardian angel or something. She's a fragile girl and she needs to have a protector. I am her protector.

Sorry diary, my stories are getting too short. You're really running out of room. Hm, Maybe I need to go get a new diary. I'll be back after I hang you up. I already decided where I can get a new diary. I'll see you soon.


P.S. This new girl named Lisa just moved in to our school. She's really pretty.
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It's short for a reason. You'll see soon. :D