Diary of a Madman

Entry Six: Psychosocial

Dear NEW Diary,

I'm Alex, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you can hold more space than my OTHER diary. So, lets begin! My day was wonder-

"Woah...wait! Are you still here? Let me fix that, sorry diary....one second...there we go all better."

Ok, sorry, where was I? Oh yea! Today was a wonderful day, well, besides getting you of course. My friend Jessica (She lets me call her "Jess" now) introduced me to this new girl at school. Her name is Lisa...uh...Lisa....OH, Lisa Loveon. She just moved here from this high school called "Taft." I wonder what kind of a school it is. First period (my English class) was really interesting. Jess and I are now officially partners for a English project. We have to read this book called Atlas Shrugged by this weird Russian lady named Ayn Rand. Jess and I split up chapters. I read one chapter, and she reads another. We have 2 months to finish the book, because it's a "college level" book.

As the bell screeched out its ring of freedom, Jess and I walked to our second period, AP World History (or hell on Earth as Jess and I refer it as) to Mrs.Taylor's quiet voice talking to us about Hitler and how he was evil and blah, blah, blah. Every time she talks about Hitler I have this weird fantasy. I'm in a room with him and all I have in my hand is a rake. He never notices me there, so I always run up and bludgeon him until he dies...and then some. I'm glad that fucker is dead. Damnit, I'm rambling again aren't I? Sorry diary, I'm still getting you used to you. You're really different from my old diary, much bigger though, that's really good. The period flew by like a snap of my finger (or Jess''s because I don't know how to snap my fingers.)

Finally, it was nutrition, that meant freedom, and best of all, I hadn't noticed Ethan anywhere. I guess he was suspended for something else or whatever...I don't know. Jess told me to wait at our lockers for her. After ten minutes, (ten hellish minutes, mind you that.) She came with that new girl, Lisa. Let me tell you a bit about Lisa, she is a tall, thin, and pretty Persian girl. She actually really caught my eye. Well, until I saw Jamie again, I got over Lisa pretty quickly...sort of like Romeo about Rosaline (In addition to Atlas Shrugged, we just finished Romeo and Juliet, so its sorta stuck in my head.) I know it was a shallow thing to do but...well...Jamie. The bell rang pretty quickly, around five minutes after Jess and Lisa took (more like dragged) me to the office to get Lisa a map of the school.

Third period, Italian was one of the funniest class periods I have ever been in. Mr. Guilani started out by accidentally saying the entire agenda in Farsi (I only understood him naturally) and then teaching us Italian sexual terms for the remainder of the class. One of them was really catchy I think it was along the lines of "Vuoi dormire con me stasera?" which means "Would you sleep with me tonight?" but that wasn't all, he taught us how to say the same thing in French, it was "Souhaitez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?" It really is one of the catchiest assembly of words I had heard in my life. it just rolls off you tongue, like a song!

Fourth period, Science was really fun too! Ms.Yu was absent, and a sub named Mr. Troskenov was our sub. I was expecting him to pull out a bottle of vodka and drink it right in front of the class. He was a very interesting man. He spent the entire period cussing out Stalin and the Czar...so basically I had two history classes this period. Jess was laughing the entire time, because I guess she had a little Russian blood in her. I also learned a lot actually (not very humane things though.) When the bell rang though, everyone ran the fuck out of that class. IT WAS FINALLY LUNCH!

Jess had gotten caught up in the crowd and I lost her. I felt alone for the first time since I moved to this school. She wasn't there when I went to my locker and she wasn't there when I went to the usual spot. Hell, nobody was there. I guess it was time to walk around a little bit and get "acquainted" with this school. The first place I went naturally was the area for the twelfth graders. Even though Jess told me not too (I'm such a rebel, aren't I?) It was just another grass field, like ours, but it was populated by older looking ninth graders (or twelfth graders, as they are called.) I didn't recognize any of them, it was really weird. I did see Jamie though, and she waved and beckoned for me to come over to her. She introduced me to her sporty friends, Scott, Ronald, Jordan, Tiffany, and Daniel. They weren't half bad, Ronald was the funniest and coolest out of all of them though. Jamie then asked me why I wasn't with Jess, Aria, and Lisa and I told her that I couldn't find them. It was strange, I had seen Aria and Lisa walking around the whole day, and of course I saw Jess, but I couldn't seem to find them there.

When the bell rang, all I could do is scratch my head and wonder where they had gone. Jess didn't show up to her Math class either (I waited outside for her) and she wasn't there after school. Aria was at volleyball though, he said sorry that I couldn't find him at lunch. He said he couldn't find Jess either, I guess she went to the office with Lisa again. Whatever, I just walked out after practice ended. Straight home to read chapter one of Atlas Shrugged. I had to run over to Jess's house to get the book, at least she apologized for not being there. She told me she had "unfinished business" to take care of. Whatever, she could've at least told us.

Well, it's getting late and you're getting a bit too messy. I'll talk to you later diary. It was a pleasure meeting you today.

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