Diary of a Madman

Entry Seven: Friends?

Dear Diary,

I'm sick of always writing about my days at school. Today, I'm trying something different, first of all, your name isn't "diary" anymore, your new name is Ethan. Secondly, I want to tell you about my weekend Ethan, aren't you excited? This is the first time I went out with my friends (more like friend.) Jess and Aria just broke up (some dumb fight, at least they're still friends,) and guess who had to comfort her? Me, of course, she is my best friend. I know you're probably sick of hearing about her Ethan, bu---sorry my tool fell out of my hand, where was I again? Oh yea, Jess decided that I had been in the town long enough (3 weeks) and that to her is a long time.

Jess wanted to drag me to some love movie called "Letters To Juliet" I promised her that she could watch whatever she wanted to see. I guess you could say that I'm a gentleman in that sense. She was acting like the Jess that I know and love. She was smiling the entire time, like nothing could get her down. She sure knew how to handle something like this. I wish I had handled it a bit better..but with Jenna, some things had to be done. Things I wish I wasn't going to Hell for.

Actually, I've been toying around with the idea of going to Hell for a while now. It actually might not be as bad as it seems, or maybe I won't go to Hell at all! Two sins cancel out right? Jenna adultery and me...well...you know. Anyways, back to the movie, I wasted $13 dollars to see some crappy generic love movie with Jess. She loved it, of course. I, on the other hand would have rather swallowed cyanide...50 times the recommended dose, before watching that bullshit again. The funniest part of this day was that it wasn't awkward at all. I mean, sure, the occasional glance here and there but come on. It was like two friends going to the movies! What's so erotic about that? People were expecting us to break out into full out French kissing during the movie. I could literally feel about 10 perverts starting at us, waiting for a chance to pull out their "weapon" (Romeo and Juliet reference, go English!) and "attack" the sight of us kissing. Thank G-d nothing like that happened, it would ruin our friendship and, I can't afford to lose a friend like her; she's too important to me, too special, too this and too that.

I escorted her home afterwards, which of course raised a few more eyebrows. The eyebrows seemed to be speaking, I mean, Jess was asking for it basically! She had her arm wrapped around mine and her head was on my shoulder. The eyebrows were saying things like how did a fat ass like this guy get such a nice girlfriend and etc. If only they knew that we were just friends, maybe this day wouldn't be as awkward toward the end, but whatever, I was getting attention. Making a name for myself, spreading my notoriety in this town (I sound like some Western guy right now, don't I?) Anyways, when she got home she hugged me and wished me good night.

We already have plans for tomorrow, it's the annual carnival that our temple (Jess and I are Jewish) holds every year. She promised me it will be a ton of fun. She knows best I guess. Ah, its already 1 am? I gotta go now Ethan, it was great talking to you. I have a feeling that you'll be the best diary I've had in my life.

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So the story is starting to be fleshed out...yea...some love is in it...:D

I was really resisting from using the following smileys in this chapter: :D :P D: :( :) :[ :] [:

Harder than I thought..