Diary of a Madman

Entry Eight: Emotion

Dear Diary/Ethan,

Jess and I went to a carnival today; it wasn't all that bad actually, but that was probably because Jess was there. She looked really pretty today, believe it or not diary, but I think I'm falling for her. You know? Birds and bees, butterflies in the stomach, etc. Well, I'm going too far into this day already, lets start from the beginning.

I woke up at around 9:30 am today (it wasn't even a fucking school day) to the blast of my alarm playing "Halo" by Machine Head. I woke up slipped on my favorite shorts and a shirt with a penguin on it, and ran over to Jess' house. She was ready when I got there (or almost ready.) I have a feeling that girls just enjoy making guys wait. The second she noticed I had walked in, she ran back into her room and "started to put on make-up". Finally, around 20 minutes later she came out, her hair in a bun and she had barely put on any make-up.

I thought that she was done with her make-up, clothes, and hair, but of course, I was wrong again. She ran into the bathroom next and finally started putting on make-up. I think her mom was cracking up over this, because I saw her trying to hold in a laugh. I think it was an hour later when Jess and I finally walked out of the house. Her first words to me where (and I pray this was a joke)

"What took you so long?"

She said it with her perfect smile and everything. I really think girls enjoy torturing boys, like a sport or something. The carnival was about three blocks away, and I was wearing flip-flops. Really, this day couldn't have started out any worse than it did. At least I was spending it with Jess. When we arrived it was deserted basically, except for a few people with their kids. This really didn't seem like the kind of place for two fifteen-year old kids. Jess ran over to the ticket booth and tried to buy ten tickets for rides. I quickly ran in though, and made sure she couldn't pay for her tickets. This place was expensive too, ten tickets cost me twenty dollars.

The rides, though, weren't half bad. They had the normal things that you would expect from a carnival, ferris wheel, mini-coaster, games, and a carousel. Jess ran to the mini-coaster and begged me to go on with her. Two tickets down, eight to go. The coaster was terrible, but it made Jess laugh out of excitement the entire time. After that, we ran to the carousel, I picked a dragon (because dragons are the shit) and Jess picked a pony. During the ride though, I ran around switching to every animal I could see, Jess was dying of laughter the whole time. That was four out of ten tickets gone, after what seemed to be a few minutes, Jess was hungry, and I, being her slave basically, went to buy her a hot dog. It cost me two dollars, I was actually really surprised. I thought it would be at least ten dollars. Jess ate the hot dog like she hadn't eaten in five years. She gained a renewed energy after she ate it. She ran to the games and stopped at a dart game. I swear, she was like a ten year old in a toy store. She was staring wide-eyed at a blue teddybear. She didn't even need to say a single word. I put down the dollar required to play, and won on my first try.

She was in shock when I handed her the teddybear. She hugged (more like choked) me and kept screaming thank you thank you, as if I had just saved her life. I was getting really tired, but Jess, she's a bundle of energy. She ran to the ferris wheel this time, it cost two tickets a person, and lucky us; we had four tickets left in our pockets. She ran to the closest possible "cart" (I have no idea what the fuck they are called), and beckoned for me to hurry in before the ride starts. I ran in and placed myself right next to her. She quickly sat closer to me, and put her head on my shoulder. It seemed that she wasn't the bundle of energy I thought she was, because she basically passed out on my shoulder half-way into the ride.

When the ride stopped the attendant looked at us, nodded at me, and put the ride in another circle. I was really getting sick of people thinking that Jess and I are a couple. I mean, I've toyed with the idea for a while now, but so many things kill my thoughts every time I think about it. She wouldn't say yes, first of all, and I was afraid that I would get too attached to her like I did with Jenna.

Jess woke up as the ride was nearing it's end. We both decided that it was time we both go home, but it was weird Jess had a sort of grin on her face the entire time we walked home. She didn't even say a word the entire walk back. She wished me good night, hugged me, and walked into her house, when we got to her house. Weird isn't it? I think she is falling in love with me, but thats probably just my over-fucking-active imagination playing tricks on me again.

Whatever I guess, its late and I have school tomorrow. I'll talk to you later.

♠ ♠ ♠
You know, when you're single all you see is happy couples. Thats my inspiration for this chapter. :/