Diary of a Madman

Entry Nine: Filth

Dear Diary,

You may have noticed that I have stopped calling you "Ethan". My reasoning is, you know who the hell you are, so why should I call you your name so many times? I guess it's time for story time. Today was our first day of my (first) official break! Winter is finally upon us, and I apparently am a dirty liar, according to Steven (Some kid who follows Jess around, which, once again, leaves me to be her bodyguard.) I'm actually getting sick of this. Why is this girl so popular? It's stupid how these filth she associates herself with continually attempt to make some sort of fucked up contact with her. (I can speak like some graduate too you know!) I mean the second the bell rings, thousands of guys are all over her!

I have to give these boys an honorable mention, because they always shower her with gifts, most of which she hands to me. She's really way too nice; I hope she knows that, because one day someone will take advantage of her. I...I don't know if I can protect her then. It hurts to think about things like that though, so a new topic is needed!

Jess, Lisa, Aria, and I all went to the theatre today. (Aria and Jess patched things up and are really close friends now!) We watched a classic film, "Spaceballs" followed by "History of the World Part One" both films were hilarious, and the theatre deserves an award for going out their way to play such classic films. Fuck, I need to stop rambling! You obviously don't care about this stuff.

Jess and I actually enjoyed the movie a lot. I was really surprised that she enjoyed it actually. She seems like the kind of girl who wouldn't like classic movies. There is a lot I don't know about her, but that should change soon. After the movie the four (or three, Lisa left early,) of us went out to lunch. I paid for Jess and Aria, because I think that after all the shit they have gone through; they deserve some reprieve.

Now, to the reason why I'm a "dirty liar". I know I skipped ahead a bit, but it's fun making you wait. It was during second period (ooh suspenseful isn't it?) and we had to do a timeline of World War II (Fuck Hitler by the way,) and Jess wanted to be my partner for some weird reason.I was the most hated boy in the class because of this. It led this kid named Steven, Steven Issacs (a ripped football player), to confront me about being Jess' partner. Let me tell you, I'm 5'10 (give or take) and this guy is 6'7. I was scared shitless. If Jess wasn't there, I'd probably be dead or worse (somehow there is something worst than death, tell me if you find out Diary), if she hadn't stepped in and saved my ass. He basically turned to jelly and walked away, his face as red as blood. I was speechless, Jess turned and gave me a huge hug as if she was saying that everything is ok. That cheered me up a ton actually, but also made me gain a new enemy (or filth as I call them) in the process. It led to the entire football team confronting me and saying that I should stay the fuck away from Jess if I want to "be able to see through my eyes and not my ass." Those fucking assholes! She is my friend, and I would rather take my chances then stay away from her.

Long story short, I am really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really fucked. (Maybe that wasn't so short, but I got my point across.)

Jess (and Aria) kept reassuring me though, the classic, it'll get better and etc. I have really good friends, don't I? Maybe I will keep them sane this time. I can't help but think that this is the calm before the storm, but once again, it's probably my over-active imagination again. Anyways, I could take all those idiots without breaking a sweat. Anything to protect Jess, that's my motto. She is the queen. I am the guard. End of story.

I'll talk to you later Diary. Jess and I are going to grab some lunch and maybe watch another movie.

♠ ♠ ♠
"She's really way too nice; I hope she knows that, because one day someone will take advantage of her. I...I don't know if I can protect her then."

This one line almost drove me to tears. It sums up how I feel (and how others feel) about me.

It's depressing.

Anyways! My volleyball team (my real one not the story one) just won the City Championship! (I donno if anyone cares! I do though!) and it led to some inspiration for this story...especially the thousand boys part :P

Tell me what you think! I hope you like the story so far! :D and yes, I wrote all of those "really's"