The Truth is a Lie Away

Chapter 1

‘Being mortal always had its ups and downs but there is one down that will never change...’

“Hey Mini *gasp*, where have you been? *huff huff*”

I turn the volume up on my IPod drowning out whatever else people wish to ask me as I make my way through the school entrance. I keep my eyes down cast and try to remember my original train of thought. That is until I hit a hard chest in front of me. The same chest that I’ve missed the whole time I was away.


The voice I was so desperate to hear broke through all my thought processing. Sending shivers down my spine even if I tried to stopped them from happening. This was the voice I had not been prepared to hear since I arrived back at school.


‘Michael, Michael, Michael...’ his name repeats itself in my head. Repeating only proving my infatuation about this boy is true.

“Mini, where have you been for the last few years?”

‘Again with the irritating nickname...’ Mini. The nickname I received because of my strange foreign name. That and my height issue. Being small only added to the constant use of height insults and naming games that the other pot heads used against me. Yes pot heads. Everyone that attended methylamine high does some form of drug or new product that just became obtainable by the black market. ‘I think the newest one was ZEC, the speedy fast acting drug that can’t be traced’

“Mini, answer me”
‘Don’t tell them...they are never to know’
“I’ve been away”
“Well obviously, Mini, tell us where you’ve been for six years?”

I turn my eyes down again. They were crowding me. Crowds only ended badly. This time it would end badly enough that people would be severely scarred. Permanently.

“Clare you should go fuck with one of the other kids, I heard some new be got their hands on the ZEC crap you want, go steal it before he starts sellin for more than you can afford”

It was the voice. Michaels voice. He’d spoken and defended me. Well helped me anyway. I looked up. Clare had left and so had followed her. They left for the new drugs. Either to smoke them or snort them some may even keep them for later usage. I notice Michael. His not looking at me. No his looking in the direction of the front gates of the school. I turn. Only to wish I hadn’t.

My eyes land on him. I remember him, yet I don’t know him. Not yet anyway. From the looks of it Michael knows him and he doesn’t look like this encounter will end with a quick hello goodbye.


My eyes are glued to him. Nathan. He was, no he is breathtaking. His short yet spiked hair it makes him look like he just got out of bed. The mixed colours of both brown and black making his hair stand out, yet he sets in as if you would hardly notice him. Though the most noticing thing. The thing that stood out the most is his eyes. The strange shade of dark purple mixed in his grey eyes. I couldn’t tare my eyes away from them. The more I looked at them, the more it looked like his eyes were swirling. Swirling with the colour of dark purple in grey. Like a twisting whirlpool.

“Ay chick, what the fuck are you looking at?”
“Minifi, say hi to my twin, Nathan”

And that was what really threw me off balance. I looked between the two. I never noticed it before but under all the mixed colours of hair dye that had been put through Michaels hair, his hair was also the same as Nathans. The same mixed browns and blacks, but instead there, were reds purples and blacks, with a small ting of light blue that was almost undetectable. His hair was also a bit longer, yet it still had the same spiked attitude to it. Michael’s eyes. They were the biggest yet almost undetectable difference. Michaels. Eyes were a mix of not dark purple and grey but light blue and grey. They swirled mixing the two twin colours. The same way Nathans did.

I kept my surprise to myself. I didn’t need Michael knowing what was going on in my head. My head was mine and mine alone. That is unless someone actually comes close to unlocking it. The mysteries in my head were disastrous enough to kill someone. The mind of another human being was precious. Even when that mind was nothing but a black void, hiding only the simplest of thoughts. Michaels mind. Was one of the small, smart matured minds you’d find at methylamine though most people you find were complete drugos that were too high to answer even the simplest of questions. Such as 1+1. The school was famous for their reputation of drug smuggling and murdering kids. But then again Methylamine High was a school full of wacko’s from families that had disowned them. Me, being one of the few who actually have no family. No living form of relation that was accounted for, leaving me to stumble upon this school thanks to the misfortunes of an orphanage.

I smiled. A humble smile, and cranked my neck to meet the unnoticeable frown on Nathans face and say a small yet quick hi. I hear him grunt back in response to my greeting. With a final nod in Michael’s direction I continue on my way through the school. Only just realizing that the half way through the meeting my music was blaring through my headphones, and taking one out I could hear the music play. Turning the music down and placing the ear piece back into my ear, I soon hear the bell. I don’t really care as the school bell only means that classes are about to start. Most people take their time, wag or get to class on time. Me, I’m one of those kids that prefer to make a grand entrance. Having the classes and the teachers attention really brightens up the mood. Being the class clown had its advantages. But then there was a down side.

Taking my time was one of them. The thought of being alone for so long makes you wonder. Think. Imagine things. One though leads to another. And before you know it, you’re on a suicidal mission. To end your miserable life before someone decides that you’re actually someone worth caring about. Or before that someone that cared, leaves. Leaving nothing in the corner of your min. No memories. No dreams. No nothing. Just emptiness, the same usual feeling that your will always return to eventually. Unfortunately I was one of those kids. I am the kid that avoids making contact with everyone who’s anyone. Who has no friends, no family, nothing. Just their own imagination and the things that they decide to keep close in their miserable lives. I am the kid that nobody wants to know, yet they do. That was the down side of being a class clown. Everybody knew you, but they never knew your story. Leading them to make up their own ideas on what you’re past and future is going to be. That was the down side.

Slamming my locker shut, I look at the mirror someone had stuck there and look at my own reflection but I don’t see anything. The mirror is covered so that you don’t see anything. Nothing at all, this is a good thing, for me anyway. I hate seeing myself it only reminds me of what I am. Who I am.

I slowly start walking towards my first class. English. A class where my head runs wild with ideas for just about anything, twisting and twirling with multiple ideas, one being a way to burn down the school and never get caught. I’d done it once. Burnt down a school. Nobody could figure out who did it, so for the security of the public they blamed some crazed pyro and that was the end of it. I felt sorry for the guy, but the feeling and the heat from the flames was one of the best things I’d ever felt. Apart from other experiences, but that one is still high up there.

I’m soon in front of the classroom door. The room was only a door away and yet I could already hear the sounds coming from it over my headphones. Sighing I open the door, entering what would usually be an hour of school, seemed more like a lifetime in prison.
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