The Truth is a Lie Away

Chapter 10

The day was passing by to slowly for my tastes. I wasn’t really into it but I did for some unknown reason seem to be paying some form of attention. It was rather shocking, though I didn’t really mind it. People seemed to be too interested in the new kid. It was fine by me, just meant I wasn’t the centre of attention which was good for once.

The new kid was rather odd. He had a British accent, which was to most of the girls attractive. His hair was long enough to cover about half his face. I only ever caught his eyes once. They are a greenish colour. Somewhat close to my own eye colour, though the main difference between my own eyes and his was that he wore glasses and my eyes had a red ting to them.

He wore black, which wasn’t really that different to everyone else. Since most of the school wore black. Well minus the green crew. You would only every find them in green, not just one shade of green either but almost every possible shade of green you could find.

I didn’t catch to the kids name as I had my music up full blast as usual but there was one thing I caught. We both had the same last name. Michigan.

“Hey Minifi, meet Orlando Michigan”

I look up to see that the new kid is standing with Michael, who looks as happy as a puppy with a new chew toy. I smile and nod, only to close my eyes showing that I'm not interested, not even the slightest bit.

“Hello Minifi, nice to meet you”

My eyes snap open at the sound of his voice. Its sounds so familiar yet I couldn’t quite guess where I’d heard it before.

“Mmm, hi”

I don’t say much more as I start to think. Though my thoughts are put to a halt, again, as some kids starts a chant.


I turn my head slowly to the point in which the chanting is coming from. Looking I see Nathan, standing in a large open circle. He was not moving, but just standing with his hands in his pockets while he glaring at the kid mouthing himself up.

“Come on fucker, whatcha gonna do bout it? Huh?”

I heard a snicker from Michael. Looking at him he looked rather proud. Though of the kid mouthing himself up or his brother, I wasn’t sure. I look at Orlando. His got a cruel smile on his face. It was rather sadistic, while he had covered his glass covered eyes with his hair. No form of green shown threw his lengthy silver hair. I strange colour I know, but his was only a year or so older than me, though I’m only guessing.

I look back at the fight and see Nathan step aside as the kid charges at him. Surprisingly Nathan dodged it with ease making the kid go straight into the boys behind him. Nathan started to walk off while the kid tried to recover and charge again.

“What are ya? Pussy?”
I watched as the kid tried to punch Nathan in the spine, but missed as if he wasn’t aiming at all. I hear a small ‘hah’ from beside me and I can instantly tell that both Michael and Orlando are enjoying watching the fight. I turn my attention back to the fight only to see Nathan grab the kid’s wrist and break it. Showing that he was not to be messed with or taken lightly while making it look like the kid was just a small stick. I hear the kid’s bloody curdling scream and smirk at the sound.

I watch as Nathan moves and make his way over here. Leaving the broken kid and the crowd behind him as be passes through.

“Now that was a fight”

I turn to Orlando and nod my head though in agreement I wasn’t really sure. With one final smile from Orlando, he quickly goes and walks towards the school building, following everyone else

“Minifi, hey Minifi...”

I turn and look at Nathan, curiosity written all over my face.

“Minifi, um wanna hang out?

I smile at how shy Michael is and nod my head, waiting for him to catch up. He smiles and jogs quickly to catch up. After a small amount of silence Michael decides to start small talk. The small talk makes the walk slightly amusing, listening to the adventures of Michael and his older brother was fun. That is, until a dark booming voice interrupted our whole conversation.

“And what do you think your doing?”