The Truth is a Lie Away

Chapter 11

“And what do you think you’re doing?”

Both Michael and I freeze at the chilling voice coming from behind us. I quickly look at Michael for some form of response on who the person is, but only find that his dipped his head and stopped all movement completely.

“Michael answer me”

I slowly move, about to turn and face the man, but Michael grabs my arm and stops me in my tracks. I look towards him, puzzled as to why he made such a move, only to see him shaking his head. I quickly move my arm out of his grasp and look towards the ground no longer interested in walking with Michael.

I can feel the piercing stare from the man, as he starts a long conversation with Michael about some family matter. I didn’t pay much attention as I have no need to listen to such trivial things. I slowly make my way towards an ally way not to far from where the man had stopped us and slide away into the shadows, no longer within hearing or seeing range or the two now bickering on the street. The last thing I can hear before finally getting away is something I’ve grown used to hearing these last few years.

“Why would you let yourself be seen with such a monster?”

It was the last thing I heard. As a lone tear made its way down my pale, cheek as I started my run.

The tears streaming down my face would stop. People looked, sneered and could even try to trip me, but I ran.
I couldn’t think. I couldn’t comprehend the thoughts flying past my eyes through every second. The terror of getting caught again only held itself in my mind.
‘His coming’
I can. With no thought process left but run.
And I did.
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