The Truth is a Lie Away

Chapter 2

“Today class, we are going on a little excursion to the writing and Literature Company”
“Where the hell is that?”
“Its in the next state you dumb..., I mean Billy”

I hear the class snicker as I walk to my set. The teacher still hasn’t noticed me, but the class sure has and they were already giving away my presence. It’s quite annoying really, but unfortunately I have no say in the matter. Once my mouth opens, nothing comes out.

“And what do we have here hmmm?”
I don’t even need to look to see the raised eyebrow and smirk placed on the old hags face. Really this school was so predictable you could just about get away with anything.
“well I believe Mrs. Hag you have a student standing with their back to you, a smirk on your face and a class room full of drugged up piss heads that wouldn’t have any idea about anything your talking about”

A small smile graces my face as I turn to see the smirk drop off the hags face, and a small ‘O’ is left in its place. The class is laughing, only because their minds don’t have the correct capacity to comprehend that I’ve just insulted them. Though if they were given enough time, they will soon confront me about what the comment that was made about them, minus some people who actually have the normal brain frequencies, those people will snicker because they know I’m not talking about them. Kudos to them.

“Hag, HAG!”

I can’t help the small sound of a snicker escaping my lips as she repeats the word hag, over and over. It’s as if she is incapable to comprehend the fact that I just called her a hag.

“Yes Mrs. Hag?”
“How dare you call me a hag, why you little piece of shit”

And this is when the insults start coming. The ‘you little shit’ comments. ‘You should have never been born’. Oh and my personal favourite ‘no wonder your parents abandoned you’. The insults really just a bit of entertainment really, they don’t mean much. Not after the first few years. They did hurt, at one point and time. But I’m not the same little kid that first walked through the gates of Methylamine High.

I take my seat next to the window all the way at the back of the class. I let the teacher continue her rant. It will end soon. They always do. I let my bag fall to the ground, and I slide, silently into my seat. I got given the back corner. Emo Corner as they call it. The reason behind it. I was found crying in the corner of the room one year. I was bruised and bleeding. Some eleven graders decided it would be funny to beat up some kid. That kid just happened to be me. The teachers found me, and dubbed the corner Emo Corner. Though I was the only one who sat there, so really there was really no point in it. But I do enjoy the view outside the window. It’s better than looking around the room aimlessly. Kinda boring really, since there’d nothing really to look at.

Once I got my pad out and a grey lead, I zoned out completely and let my mind wonder. Letting it go through all the things I’ve seen, as I let my hand take control and draw whatever fascinates me the most. But there was only really one thing that really did catch my attention. Some people think it grew some others like, myself, consider it a fact of life. That fact is death. The most unexplainable concept of life.

I hadn’t realized how much time had passed, that was until the bell went to let the class know your now free do go ad do as you please. I really had nothing to do both inside or outside, but I knew that unless I left I would have to deal with the hag going off her nut a me while I sleep. Though I really wouldn’t be able to obtain much sleep anyway, but there really isn’t much I could do about that.

Once I had a quick gaze at the drawing I had started, closed the book and left the room unnoticed. Bing invisible helps.


I turn and see Michael. He looks puffed. Like his been running a marathon or something. But not too far behind him I can see him. His brother. The mysterious twin. The one I want to figure out but don’t.


I had stopped walking away from the doors that lead inside the insufferable building and waited for Michael to get his breath together. His smile is something you strive to see, since Michael doesn’t really show much emotion. I never really knew way till a few days ago. That’s probably why I decided I’d come back to the place. Not really any other reason really, well that is apart from being sick of being on stuck in that one room. Dealing with your own refection looking at you everyday really did change your mind a bit. Unless that just me.

“Minifi, are you alright?”

I had zoned out without noticing.

“I asked if you’re alright Minifi”
“Oh, yer I’m fine”

The smile that was now placed on Michaels face made me wish I hadn’t lied. Though even if I did feel bad I didn’t say anything, nobody seems to listen. Not even Michael now. But I think that’s understandable. Considering everything that’s happened I wouldn’t really listen to much either. First having your bother come to the same school, then getting kick out of his apartment, and last but not least being told he has to going and live with his family again.

What started all this fuss? Well his mother dying.
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