The Truth is a Lie Away

Chapter 3

“Minifi, what do you have planned after school has finished?”

I just shook my head. Michael already knew the answer without me even saying anything. It’s like we knew everything without even saying what was going through our heads. Though it does depend. If it’s an agreement, then either one of us just moves our head, otherwise we just use our eyes, but this time, this time Michael doesn’t know what’s going on and it’s going to stay that way.

I slowly smile awkwardly before slowly making my way towards my tree.

“Can I come?”

My eyes widen as I look back. Normally I would go on my own. Just listen to my headphones, and wait until I think I should go to class. That or I fall asleep and wait till the end of the day to continue on with what happens in my unfortunate daily life. Though this time, I see that it he wants to follow. Come and sit with me. Michael, instead of leaving to go and hang with some drugo’s he wants to hang with me and from the look on his brother’s face, I can see he would like to come too.

I breathe slowly and nod my head. I couldn’t really say no. To me; this is an apology for lying earlier. To me; letting him and his brother come will give me a chance to figure out the mystery behind him. Nathan.

It was complete silence. Well to me anyway. I could faintly hear the noise of people talking, yelling and arguing. Frowning, I looked up while turning the volume from full blast down so I could actually understand the words that were being spoken from the twin’s mouths. Even though I probably shouldn’t be listening, I still do so anyway.

“Why do I have to go back huh? I was fine on my own, and just because that bustard cancelled my leash on the apartment doesn’t mean shit”
“You should know why he wants you to come home Michael”
“Like hell I would”
“I thought...”
“Thought what? That, that jack ass would tell me anything?”

I wasn’t really looking at them anymore; I was just following with their voices. I knew I shouldn’t be listening but I really wanted to know what was actually going on between these two.
“Nathan, his only going to use you, then throw you aside”
“Oh, and you have proof of this?”
“What? Well, I mean, no”
“Then you can’t prove anything, stop making up things”
“Just because he loves you, you stay with him?”
“Well at least dad keeps his word, unlike someone I know”

I didn’t need to hear what was going to be said next. Why? Because I remember when I was the one yelling the same remark. The same sentence that got everyone heated over. The same few words that usually ended an argument.

“Don’t you dare bring mum into this”

That was all I needed to hear. I wasn’t going to put up with anymore of it. Without either of them noticing, I quickly climbed up the tree. Resting just a few branches away from them, making sure I was unheard and unseen.

With my music once again blaring I slowly drifted into my thoughts. Remembering about Michaels mum and how she had come to facing her death, her last moments of living, moving, witnessing life as it was passed on. Her name was Yanamia. I’d never actually seen her till Michael introduced me to her. She was a fragile woman, very thin and small, but underneath all her clothes she was as strong as an ox, fierce as anything too. Yanamia was very strange. Though there was at least one thing normal about her, she was blind.

To some that was a disadvantage, but to her, it was a privilege. Like a girt. To be given the right not having to deal with the problems of the daylight life, no hassles or anything. She didn’t disapprove of it she embraced it. It was rather sad to watch, but harmful and happy at the same time. Though there was one thing that was slightly strange about all this, she could see in the dark.

I didn’t really know much about her apart from that but she was a...alright woman to be around. Her death was a sad one, for Michael and those that knew her, but her family weren’t really that much of an emotional family all straight faces and calm minds. Every person you asked about her death or said anything like ‘I’m sorry for you lose’ only said ‘she’s off to a better place’ then walked away. Strange group, but Michael is exactly the same, but I suppose that’s just them, I guess.

Her death wasn’t accidental, but done on purpose. Apparently, from the police records, she committed suicide, but from what Michael had managed to tell me, she was murdered. Though with no evidence, they left it with the theory of suicide and the case was close. I remember the night after her funeral. Michael came and stayed at my place. He was a total wreck, unable to understand what happened. Soon after his little break down he fell asleep leaving me to my thoughts. After that night, I went away for a while. And his life…kind of went back to normal.

“Hey, where’d Minify go?”

I looked down and decided I should make myself known. Only because the two of them had seemed to stop arguing, for now anyway. Make a noise I slowly climbed down the tree, going back to sitting against the tree.

“There you are”

I nodded, and waited before falling asleep, just in case Michael decided o say anything, which obviously he didn’t. I fell asleep. My music was blaring and the winds breezing slowly making its way passed me. I was finally at some sort of peace, finally able to escape this damned place, if not only for a short while.

Now I was finally able to find some small particle of what I was originally thinking. I was now finally able to find some form of my track of thought that had left me at the start of this unforgiving