The Truth is a Lie Away

Chapter 4

“Minifi, Minifi”
“She’s not going to wake up”
“Minifi, schools over”

I quickly respond to the words, schools over and soon get to my feet. I hadn’t actually realized how long I was asleep for, and I hadn’t really heard anything apart from my music.

“I stand corrected”

I take a small glance at Nathan, after hearing him, but go back to listening to Michael go on about his day and what he was going to do next. No offence to him but I really didn’t care. Why? Well because everything he was doing consisted his father and brother. Made me jealous...only a little bit though. I really wanted a family, though the life I have now, I think I’m starting to get the hang of.

First going to school, then the place where that person is. That’s when it hit me. I had to see her today; it was her birthday after all. I promised. I pinky promised, those are the ones that mean a life time. Back then we swore to never forget each other, no matter what.

“Gotta go somewhere, later”

I run off to the lockers, grab my stuff and leave. Not realizing that someone was watching every move I made.
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sorry it's so short next chapter willl be up by the end of the week hopefully
please enjoy and comment