The Truth is a Lie Away

Chapter 5

Passing people was easy. It was like I was the wind. People only pulled their coats for jackets closer to themselves, not realizing it was only a person that had just passed, not a cold wind. Wasn’t really cold though either, it was only the first day of autumn, the first of March, really there was nothing to feel cold about, it was still warm, hot even, from the summer sun still lingering in the sky.

As I was rushing passed the people walking through the streets, I realized I needed to hurry. I needed to move faster. Otherwise I was going to be late. Nobody likes to be late, even me. That’s probably the only common thing I have with the normal; folk of our small town. Though some people wouldn’t call it small actually it’s Canberra, why would anyone call it small, is a national state.

Knowing the back streets and the usually alley ways, came in handy. Not many people like me running around the streets. I wasn’t exactly welcome in town. For multiple reasons.

“I need to hurry”

I hadn’t realized when I reached the park. The tree. That was the place she was buried. I don’t know why some people chucked a big fuss about it. It’s not like April did anything wrong. Except hang with me, though I think there must be more to it. I’m probably right to.

“Hey April, it’s me...again”

The only response I got was the wind blowing. I look at the time on my I-pod, realizing it’s late, round five thirty. I was cutting it pretty close.

“I see some, other people have come to visit”

I motion my head towards the freshly placed flowers. April wasn’t exactly buried here; her ashes were placed on the ground. That was after the urn was broken and the ashes were just left at the base of the tree. She had wanted to be left here but her family wanted to bury her with the rest of the dead relatives. Though after some time and convincing, she finally got what she had wanted.

“How have you been lately?”

I knelt down and slowly moved some leaves that had fallen from the tree. I really hated this place so much. People now come here from day to day, they come and go...but then again it is a public park. This was the place I was left. The place my family disappeared. Though I really couldn’t remember much, didn’t really want to either. It was kind of depressing to be here, but I had given my word to April. She was my one and only friend, always will be...even if she is dead.

I didn’t like saying much; I just sat there next to Aprils little grave stone I made her. I only made it for her. She always appreciated my work. Not there was much of it. Just silly little piece’s of drawings and things, nothing really worth spending your time on, but she like my stuff so, I suppose I only did it to make her happy.

I sigh and turn the music my I-pod up, so I can hear the music playing, before it dies on me. I sigh again and close my eyes letting the cool breeze wash over me. It was late and I knew it, but I really didn’t care, it’s April birthday anyway.

“You finally turn 17 April, you’re still beating me”

A pathetic laugh leaves my lips and I can’t help but feel my eyes water. Breathing in I remember the promise I made to April eleven years ago.

”hey, hey Mini what cha drawin?” the voice of a six year old April asks. There’s no voiced reply from the five year old Minifi, apart from a quick shrug and a turn of pages. Minifi looks up at April, waiting to see if she says anything.

“Oh come on Minifi, please” April begs. Minifi sighs, a small shy sigh and turns more pages revealing a picture. The picture is of a blue jade bird, falling. Following the bird on its decent are ribbons, not coloured just plain grey ribbons, one darker than the other.

“Minifi, it’s so pretty” the smile on Aprils face brings out a smaller yet visible smile on little Minifies face. April giggles and sits next to Minifi, taking the book that rest’s on her lap to see all the other pictures drawn.

“Minifi, why are most of your drawings involving someone or something falling, or dying?” April asks with a new found curiosity. Minifi doesn’t answer but looks up at the people looking at her strangely. Her smile is gone, replaced by an emotionless face.

“Minifi come with me” April grabs Minifi by the hand, closing the art book and moves to the enormous tree out near the edge of Lake Griffin. Minifi follows while April leads, and soon sits underneath the tree.

“Minifi, will you promise to always visit me?” April looks at the lake while Minifi looks confusedly at a leaf as it falls to the ground.

“Minifi, will you always come and visit me at this exact spot?” April turns to Minifi to see her nod her head. April smiles a sad smile and looks back at the lake, Minifi soon following her line of vision.

“Minifi promise you’ll always come and visit on my birthday, just promise please” Minifi opens her mouth to reply but stops when she hears people coming.

“April get away from that, that thing, we need to take you back” April sighs and hugs Minifi before getting up and running to her parents, only to start arguing about calling Minifi a thing.

“I promise April” was all that Minifi said before darting off, looking for the person who was going to take her back to the orphanage.

“I miss you so much April, why, why did you have to leave me alone?”
I crush a dried leaf with my hand as I feel the tears fall down my face. I look at my hand and watch as the crushed pieces of the leaf go off with the small breeze passing by.

“I miss you so much April”

I get up, turn and face April’s grave stone one last time.

“I wish I could stay but...well you know”

I smile a small smile and slowly turn to leave making my way in whatever direction leads me to the local orphanage. Not really noticing the person that was watching everything. Not noticing that the whole time I was at April’s grave I was being watched by a shadowed figure hiding behind a tree not too far away.
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