The Truth is a Lie Away

Chapter 6

As I walked the dark lonely streets, the only light available to me is the street lamps and traffic lights. Though that really didn’t bother me, never has, I was alone. I liked it that way. Saved me having to put up with the stuck up people who choose to live in this city, really I didn’t like it here at all. But it’s the only place I know as home. Kind of sucker-ish really.

Though there are a few people around, but since the pubs and such are open, people are obviously out having a good time. More like drowning their problems down a few bottles before making their way home, or straight into an accident on the road. Wouldn’t really surprise me actually not a lot does these days.

As I walk I can’t help but continue to think about April. I really missed her so much; no offence to Michael, but April...was first, so to speak. She was the only person to not look at me differently. Like I was some unknown, unidentified object, human being, which people couldn’t really get their brains to comprehend. April was different. Though young and curious, she actually didn’t mind people who were different. I never found out why though but my guess...she was different too.

I started to remember bits and pieces of when April and I used to hang out at the park together. It was always a fun day, even if I almost always ruined the fun. Even if I was only a little kid, and people staring at you was mean and nasty, it was also very intimidating. Being only five with no parents, you sort of became scared of everything.

‘I need something else to think about’ my brain speaks for itself. It was a strain on me to think about the past. Why? Well because I couldn’t remember half of the stuff that happened. Didn’t really know why either. Though there was one time were someone had a look at my head. Sent me away. People don’t really like people that are different. They seem to gather to their usual mind set, like things normal to them. Like black people with black people, white people with white people, and so on and so on.

“Hey pretty girly, what are you doing out so late at night hmmmm?”

I turn quickly so see a man. He looks at me weird, as if I have something he wants. I don’t know him though, and he didn’t look like anyone that would come around near the alleys. He looked more like someone from the upper parts of Canberra. The place where everything is brand new, nothing that was old is left.

As he slowly makes his way into the light I can see that there’s more than just the one that spoke. There are at least three guys behind him, all about the same status as him. They look drunk and totally out of it, but the strange thing is that they are all wearing suits that are overed in vomit, a white substance and are all messed up. Though there was one noticeable difference between the followers and the leader. The leader was wearing a hat.

“So little missy, are ya gonna answer me question?”

I look at him; like the man was nuts and I continue walking in the direction of the place I now occupy.

“Hey, hey missy”

I turn to see the men following me, but only just.

“Missy hey”

I turn to see one of the men fall into a heap. Probably from trying to stay awake for so long, yet failed.

“Missy, yer I know you lookin, I’m talkin to you”

I hadn’t actually realized that I was looking at him but he was right. I was facing them, and I wasn’t calm and collected as usual. I was shaking. Right to the bone. I was, actually scared at what might happen, for once. I thought I wasn’t scared anymore.

“Missy how bout you come ere and we show ya a good time ay?”

I shook my head and looked towards the ground; I was too scared to think of what they might do to me. I hear footsteps more and I soon feel a hand touch my shoulder. Before I can even comprehend what I’m doing I’ve pulled the man’s hand off me and bend it in the wrong direction. Soon there’s a snap and liquid is hitting me at an alarming rate. I let go of the man’s hand and look at my own in the little light provided.

I shake harder as I see the crimson liquid slowly slide and drip down my hand. The splatter of it hitting the wet pavement, hitting puddles and colliding with the rain drops still falling, only sound louder in my ears the longer I stay frozen.

“Hey buddy you alright?”

I look at the man, then his hand, then back to the man’s face. I hear the other followers asking the man questions, but the leader I can hear him moving. Not backwards to the man, but towards me.

“Forget him boys, just means all the more for us”

I hear the leader laugh and the followers who are not hurt or complaining grunt and start moving as well. I start to hear the blood again, but louder. The sound is deafening, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect on the other males surrounding me. It’s as if I’m the only one who can hear the noise.

“Get her”

I had no time to react, as they started to get their hands on me. I couldn’t fight back. I couldn’t scream, move, nothing. I couldn’t do anything to stop them as I felt then start moving thing. Taking clothing, moving then away, and taking the body heat that I had stored away.

I could feel myself get colder and slowly loose consciousness.
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Thank you for reading *bows*
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