The Truth is a Lie Away

Chapter 8

“Hey Minifi, its Rachael can I come in?”

I remember who the voice belongs to after I almost spill the coffee I had gotten hours ago. After the dreams I had I couldn’t force myself to sleep. Not after I spoke of my mother. I hadn’t counted how much coffee’s I’d had, but I could tell that the caffeine intake was starting to affect me. On a major scale.

I place the cup down on the floor, not too far from where I was sitting and make my way to the door. I didn’t mind Rachael. She was nice, probably the only orphanage caretaker to actually consider looking after me. I still remember the first time I showed up on the orphanage door step. I was three...

“Mrs. Kin, Mrs. Kin look there’s someone there, on the door step”

A sixteen year old Rachael yells, pointing to the figure sitting on the door step in the pouring rain. From inside Mrs. Kin looks through the window to try and get a better look at the unmoving figure that Rachael was pointing at.

The figure was slightly moving but the rain was just too hard to see through, making it seem as if the figure was unmoving and possibly dead. Mrs. Kin quickly turns to the door and makes her way outside to see the poor drenched child.

“Child, why are you out in the rain? And so late at night?”

The child stiffens at the sound of the women’s voice. Though does answer after a slight turn of the body to see who was talking to her, before going back to face the road ahead.

“The rain is nice, I like the rain”

The child gets up and faces the women, and the women’s face stiffens, knowing full well who this child was.

“Why am I out so late you asked, well because I have nowhere to go”

The child points out in a matter of fact tone. The women, Mrs. Kin slowly makes her way back to the door not saying anything more to the child, but sneering at the poor soaked child instead.

“Mrs. Kin why didn’t you bring that kid in?”
Rachael asked as Mrs. Kin goes to close the door.

“It’s her child you idiot, that scumbag’s kid. I’m surprised nobody has killed her yet”
“What are you talking about?”
“Tsk forget it, and don’t help that kid”

Rachael watched as Mrs. Kin made her way through the house disappearing around the corner. A door slammed and that was when Rachael made her move. She ran outside and grabbed the kid.

“What’s your name?”
“Well Minifi I’m your new best friend”

Even as they were rushing through the house Rachael still managed to give a big smile to the small child, Minifi. The child could only stare back in amazement at the kindness that she was being shown while they made their way into a secret room.

“Ok Minifi from now on, you are to only go through the back door, I’ll show you it in the morning ok, you stay in this room until I get you out ok, don’t ever go wandering because Mrs. Kin will skin us alive ok”

Minifi nodded obediently, listening to every coming from Rachael’s mouth. Soon Rachael gave Minifi a hug and left, leaving Minifi to her thoughts and to get some form of rest.

I open the door and Rachael is revealed to me, with a tall man behind her. She’s at least twenty nine, and is already married and pregnant. I think it was her third child or something, I couldn’t remember. The man behind her is obviously her husband. His tall and all professional, but you need to be when you work at the big sport’s thingy.

His one of those guys who work on making up new routines for different sporting professionals. Well something along that line. He smiles at me and I smile back. His nice, but can get a little over the top when Rachael’s around but I like him...and not just for Rachael’s sack.

“So Minifi, I’ll be back in about give or take a week or two ok?”
“I got it Rach, I know what to do, and I’ll be out of the house by the time the hag gets up”

I smile a small smile as Rachael puts her hand on my head. The hag thing, I used to do it a lot just to get some attention, but now, it was just a play thing. Though I still liked the attention.

“Ok Minifi, George will be over every second day to check on you so please, please be good while I'm away”
“Will do Rachael”

Rachael and George smile at me and quickly close the door and disappear as they hear the sound of Mrs. Kin, a.k.a Hag. Mrs. Kin knew I was here, in the building but we have an agreement. If I stayed unseen I could stay, but I had to do everything by myself. I didn’t mind. I tend to like it that way, it gave me time to think, though the times when I was stuck in this room with the mirror, did take its tole after a while.

I waited till everyone had left and headed off for my second day back at school and from the look of the dark clouds outside it didn’t look like it was going to a good day.
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