Tests... Do the Damn Tests

Look some advice...

Gibbs looked grimly down the corridor, another case, another murder.... blah, blah, blah...
"Don't you think you are getting a bit old for this man?" He quietly asked himself... he pushed his hand through his greying hair...
He walked down the corridor eyes surverying all about him people hurrying past... He peeked into Abby's abode and saw like everytime he goes in there. He draped casually on her chair with the infamous caffeine drink "Caf-pow" in her hand... She looked up while slurping and consequently choked,
"Have you got the results from the double homicide Abs?"
"Just doing them now."
He surveryed her with brigth interest as she began tapping on the computer, and wordlessly swept out of the room.
He grinned a little and paced up and down the corridor awhile.
"thirty minutes should do it" he though smilling coquettishly at himself.

Thirty minutes later Gibb's returned, He looked with surprise at Abby as she sat once again slurping the "Caf-pow" he crept behind her,
"Are they done yet?"
Abby jumped spilling the Caf-Pow and the chair.
"Gibb's! Don't do that!"
"Are the results done yet?"
He scowled and picked up the dilapidated chair,
"Look Abs a word to the wise... If you are gonna lie be specific."
"I uh.... But... Yeah."
He smiled at her and swept out of the room. Abby stared darkly after him before heading to do the tests.