Status: On Hiatus 'Til Summer

Your Skin and Bones, Turn Into Something Beautiful

I can't eat anything;

My throat burned from the previous night, spending about three hours hunched over the toilet bowl with my finger stuck down my throat. I gagged a few times before succeeding and throwing up the baked potato that I had eaten with my family. Well, more like forced to eat. My parents, Geoff and Kat didn’t really know what was wrong with me. They only thought I was trying to eat less because I wanted to become a model like Veronica, my younger sister. But in all honesty, that wasn’t the real reason why I hated myself.

My whole life, Veronica had always been the beauty queen. The one with the perfect straight white teeth and caramel colored skin. Unlike her, I had to wear braces for two years in order to barely get acceptable straight teeth. And my skin stayed milky white no matter how long I stood outside under the burning sun. I couldn’t handle the fact that my younger sister was beautiful and perfect without an effort, while I tried anything and everything to be a little better than her. So here I was now. On my last resort-anorexia.
“Love, if you hold your arm any tighter, you’ll snap it in half.”

My eyes left the magazine that I had laid on top of my desk to look up at the person who had disturbed me. A sharp pang hit my heart as I saw my childhood best friend, Blair, dressed in a simple attire of skinny jeans and a washed out Nine Inch Nails black band tee. It didn’t matter that the clothes weren’t flashy nor were they too over the top, yet her curves were defined. No wonder my cousin Lee had a huge crush on her, because not only was she a born beauty but a great person too.

I ungripped my left arm from right one and looked at it. Purpleish bruises were already forming from the many times that I had clutched it with a rough matter, that’s another downside for being to pale.

Regardless of my envy towards my best friend, I was still glad to see her. I gave her shy smile before standing up from the chair I had been sitting in.

“Won’t you tell me what’s wrong, Ani?” Blair asked as she threw herself onto my bed. I shook my head in response, however I made way to my closet and picked out a yellow zip-up sweater before slipping it on.

“Then I’m guessing you’re ready to go now?” But it was more like a statement in which she jumped up from my bed. Without leaving me to say anything in reply, she grabbed my hand and led me downstairs and outside to where her car was parked.
♠ ♠ ♠
I need you to tell me that I'm okay.