Shallow Believer


Bert rubbed his eyes, and sleepily staggered into the bathroom. Gerard didn't really feel like getting up, he knew it should be like this. But, it wasn't, so he dragged himself out of Bert's bed and started to pick his stuff up off the floor.

"Gerard, don't leave. Stay. We can do something good today, how about...?" Gerard almost always wanted to put off everything Bert wanted to do with him. It must have been the fact that he got butterflies in his stomach every fucking time Bert said anything.
"Oh, I don' t know Bert, I have to-" There he went again. He didn't know exactly why he did it but he knew Bert was going to realize soon.
"why do you keep making all these excuses? Am I really that shit that you don't want to hang out with me?" Like, maybe then?
"I don't know, to be honest with you. I do want to go out with you, well, not 'out-out' but... you get it." Gerard's face fell and he let his hair cover his eyes.
"We should see a movie or something, or we could waste all our money at the amusements..." Bert said grinning. He thought it was cute that Gerard was so nervous around him.

Maybe that meant he was getting somewhere...

Gerard looked up and nodded. "I don't know how to get there so you're going to have to show me the way."
"I don't exactly know either, so if we get lost... we're fucked." Bert admitted, this could be fun.

They both got dressed, ate, brushed their teeth etc in the bathroom, Gerard purposely left his phone and his bag in Bert's room, - he didn't want anyone 'recking the moment' or whatever, and they walked out of Bert's apartment and got in Gerard's car.
Bert knew this was going to be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D :D

I'm not really in 'writing mood' right now, so I'm sorry if this chapter is not awesomeness like the others.

Science homework fml. -facepalm-