Shallow Believer


Gerard pulled up hastily in his little black ford, to exactly where Bert had told him to come to. So many thoughts were running through his head, he hoped Bert hadn't made him drive here so they could party, but he prayed, more than anything that Bert hadn't come here out of free will.

He decided to text him, after all he said he'd be waiting out the front.

Hello, love, I'm out the front, where are you? Do you want me to come inside and find you?

Winding down the window, Gerard stuck his head out into the night. The street was lit up by the neon lights that fed the club the look of presence. He brought his head back inside the vehicle and winded up the window again, deciding it was too cold.
"Come on, Bert." He whispered, impatience taking over him, taping the steering wheel with all the fingers on his right hand. He knew he'd probably have to go out there and dig around for Bert but he didn't really want to go outside into the icy Jersey weather.

Gerard opened the door and got out, the cold wind hitting him in the face. He made sure his jacket zip was all the way up to the top, slammed the car door and proceeded to follow. He pushed the door of the place inwards, walking into the crowd of people. Feeling was brought back to Gerard when a few guys slammed him backwards into a wall, but he just shook his head and continued. He hoped but at the same time, dreaded he'd see Bert among the sea of dancers. He knew Bert had an addiction that Gerard couldn't stop. He could clam it down, so it wasn't obliteration and it wasn't frequent. But he couldn't just bring a halt to it on the spot.

He looked around the dance floor, no Bert. In the male toilets, no Bert. At the bar, no Bert.

No fucking Bert.

With the little credit he had, Gerard knew he'd have to call his boyfriend to get any glimpse of the place he was. The phone rang four times before Bert answered.
"Oh thank fucking god. I thought you'd left or something."
"I have to tell you something. I hope you'll understand. I'm at your car out the front. I don't want this to be the end of what we have, I love you." Gerard was puzzled, he hoped it was nothing other than Bert's obvious addiction. He ran through the
simultaneously moving croud and though the opened
glass door and to Bert, who he saw put the phone
down as he'd obviously seen Gerard coming
towards him. He grabbed Bert in his arms and the
smell of alcohol filled his nose. He hoped whatever
this was, they could overcome together.
"What is it?" He asked, separating the two and looking into Bert's eyes.

"I kissed another boy."
♠ ♠ ♠

I wrote this at 5am, so if it's shit I'm sorry. :P

Thank you for your comments!

We love youu :)