Shallow Believer


The idea was crazy, skydiving; but it was the crazy that Bert loved. The man googled the idea, finding somewhere close by that had a skydiving program. He called and he made an appointment for the next day. The only problem was going to be convincing Gerard to go.

Bert gnawed at his bottom lip as the phone began to ring and Gerard answered. "Hey," Bert said casually into the phone. "I know you're fucking pissed at me but I have a way to make it up to y-"
"Make it up to me, Bert, you fucking cheated on me," barked Gerard on the other line. Bert sighed.
"Yeah, accidentally." There was no response so Bert continued. "But it'll be fun, so please let me take you somewhere tomorrow."
"I'm uh, I'm busy, Bert," Gerard answered.
"That's fucking bullshit, Gee. I'll see you bright and early, and wear something warm."

Click. Gerard stared at the phone, trying to figure out what Bert had planned. Shit, they weren't leaving the country, where they? Nervously, he went to bed but barely slept. He was woken up, like Bert had said, bright and early. "It's open!" Gerard yelled. Bert came into his bedroom a few moments later, holding two cups of coffee and handed one to Gerard.

"Come on, we're going to be late! Get dressed, lazy ass." Bert giggled as Gerard stared and got out of bed. Bert was always late to everything, and now He was worried about time? He got dressed into some warm clothes and followed Bert out to his car. "Bert, where the fuck are we going?"
Bert started the car and looked at the directions to the place he had scribbled out onto a piece of paper. "It's a surprise!" Bert was too cheerful for this early in the morning. Gerard sipped his coffee in hopes that he would be as awake as Bert was when they got to wherever they were going.

As they pulled into the destination, they drove under a sign. 'Silly Skydive - your place for skydiving adventures.' Bert cracked up at Gerard's shocked expression. "You're taking me skydiving?!"
Bert nodded, "You'll be strapped to me the whole way down," Bert tried to hide his blush by taking a sip of his coffee.

Gerard got out of the car, "I-" he didn't know what to say. He was scared; but it was safe, right? He followed Bert into the main office as they got checked in. "Lets go," the instructor said and brought them to the small airplane and got them suited up.

Gerard looked at Bert as they boarded they plane. "You scared?" Bert asked. Gerard nodded and took Bert's hand as the plane lifted off.
"We're going to get up to 14,000 feet over a nice, large field." The man announced and began to strap Bert and Gerard together and himself to Bert. As they got higher they opened the gate, having them sit on the edge.

"Ready?" Bert and Gerard gasped as they were pushed over the edge of the plane and began to fall in midair.
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D: sorry this took a month. I was on vacation. ;__;