Shallow Believer


The sun shone in Bert's face, he shielded his eyes with his hand. He glanced over at the other couch opposite the one he was laying on, Gerard was sat reading some unfamiliar comic. He didn't let him see he was awake - he didn't want to get up just yet and he knew Gerard would just make him go straight home to his own apartment.
Second reason he had a pounding head ache, he couldn't remember anything he did last night... only Gerard picking him up from some bar... club? Something.

"Are you awake Bert?" Gerard asked not looking up form his comic, he didn't want Bert hanging around his house all day, after all they didn't get along that well after their break up but Gerard didn't want to think in detail. It upset him in a way, he missed Bert, but he'd never admit it, never. Nope. But now Bert relied on him all the time, Gerard picked him up from bars, helped him get out of fights with bigger men, dragged his drunk ass home when his other friends didn't want him over.
He was literally his chauffeur. But they weren't friends, well only slightly. It's was definitely now a complicated relationship. Or so Gerard thought.

"I guess." Bert replied, sitting up rubbing his eyes. "I suppose you don't want me here for long?" He asked gathering his stuff.
"Hmm, yeah." Gerard shrugged.
"Thanks for the night, seeing as though I had nowhere else to go." he hugged Gerard and walked out of his house onto the busy street. Back to his house he guessed. He didn't really have anything in mind.

Gerard was glad to have Bert gone but soon became bored and wanted him back. He walked back and forth in his kitchen contemplating on whether or not to call Bert back.
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