Shallow Believer


They both stared at the collection of boxes that filled up the space in the living room. They’d make it fit, somehow. “I don’t know where to start,” Gerard breathed. Bert shook his head, “I could start with a beer,” he said before absentmindedly going to the fridge. He paused, catching Gerard glaring at him from the couch. “What?” Bert asked innocently, his fingers flitting over the beer cans in the fridge. “I was going to get one for you, too.” He added.

“Bert,” Gerard said sternly. “Do you remember what you agreed to this morning?”
It took Bert a moment; but it slowly came back to him. “One beer isn’t going to get me drunk,” he protested before taking two cans out of the fridge. He handed one to Gerard and kept the other for himself. “Be-ert,” Gerard sighed. “You need to-”

“C’mon, Gee. It’s just a beer,” Bert quickly interrupted before pulling open one of the boxes. He glanced over at Gerard, who still looked a bit upset. Bert leaned over, gently kissing the other boy’s cheek. “It’s just one beer, it’s fine.” He insisted and went back to pulling things out of the box. Bert, still seeing no sign of change in Gerard’s attitude sighed and dropped what was in his lap. “I know what’ll make you feel better,” Bert offered with a smirk.

Gerard looked up, his eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“Sex!” Bert grinned, giggling at Gerard’s reaction.
“Bert, we need to get you unpacked!”
Bert shook his head, “Unpacking can wait.”
“So can sex,” Gerard fired back.
Bert shook his head, “No-o, it can’t.”