Shallow Believer


Bert never fully understood the reason why Gerard and him broke up, but he was sure the way he got drunk every night didn't help. It was winter in Los Angles, and it was fucking cold. Bert pulled the hood of his sweatshirt over his head and lit up a cigarette, hoping to find some warmth in it. He squinted as the winter wind brought the smoke straight into his blue eyes. God dammit, he hoped to fucking God his heat would be working again when he reached his apartment. To his luck, it wasn't. There was a note on his door when he finally got it saying that the door was locked and the fix-it guy couldn't get in. He'd try again later.

His apartment was freezing, and he had two options. Tough it out, put on a bunch of layers and curl up in front of the television with a hot cup off coffee and a shit-load of blankets, or call Gerard and beg for him to let him stay there until his heat got turned back on. Bert bounced on his toes for a minute, weighing both options in his mind.
He finally decided to call Gerard, because Gerard already had a coffee pot full of coffee, and Bert didn't feel like dicking around with his and waiting for an hour until his coffee would be ready.

Gerard stared at his phone, about to pick it up and dial Bert, when it rang.
"Hello?" Gerard answered, drumming his fingers against the comic book he was reading earlier, which was now in his lap.
"I don't have any heat," Bert responded, "So, can I crash there until I get my heat back? It broke and the guy was supposed to come yesterday but I forgot to keep the door unlocked. It's only until tomorrow," Bert just heard a sigh in response.
Gerard ran a hand across his face and sighed, "Yeah," Gerard said hesitantly, "Yeah, I'll come get you."
Bert smiled, "Bring coffee," he added and hung up.

Gerard groaned, hating himself for doing this again and again, but he missed Bert and this was the only way to keep seeing him, and keep from missing him. He poured some coffee into a travel mug and grabbed his car keys, jogging down to his car and placed the coffee into the cup holder. Bert was standing outside, smoking a cigarette when he pulled up. Gerard honked, getting Bert's attention. Bert hopped into the car and smiled.
"Thanks, I was freezing my balls off up there," he said and took the travel mug out of its holder, "Mine?" He asked, sniffing it. It was coffee. Gerard nodded.
"Yea, I brought you coffee," Gerard said drove back to his apartment.
Bert cradled the coffee in his hands, drinking it all by the time they got back to Gerard's place.

"Mmm, warmth!" Bert rejoiced, jumping onto the couch and curling up with a pillow.
Gerard bit his lip, watching Bert with an empty pit in his stomach. None of this was fair, Bert had seemed to get over their breakup, but Gerard had never gotten time. He had to deal with Bert's drunk ass all the time.
"So?" Gerard walked over, sitting back down in the place he was before he left. He picked up his comic book and slid this thumb into his place. "Um, how have you been, Bert?"
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thankies DeadMemories_x and Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp for commenting!