Shallow Believer


"I've been okay," Bert shrugged, casually chipping the black nail polish of his fingernails with his teeth. "..and you?" Gerard smiled.
"Great." He lied, he didn't want Bert following him around because he didn't want Gerard all depressed.
"Cool." Bert nodded. "Come sit with me please." He demanded tapping the small space on the couch next to him. "I'm cold."
Gerard took any excuse offered to not be close to Bert, he didn't want to loose himself in the moment and get carried away,
anything can happen when you're alone with the one you love. Love? No it wasn't love... It must've just been lust that made
him think that way, and the fact that Bert way amazing in every single way possible. There was nothing really wrong with him
aside from the fact he got drunk probably every second night - at least and did things to himself which he shouldn't. "I'll
turn up the heater." Gerard offered.
"Got damn it Gee, i'm not cold I just want a cuddle. 'Kay? Maybe a ciggarette too. Later." Gerard just laughed at his unexpected
anger and cuddled in next to him. "Hey Gerard, are you okay? You've been acting funny since, you know, we went out. Before that
we used to be, like, best friends!" Gerard shrugged. "I think i'm going to go to bed, you can eat anything you can find, the coffee's
in the pantry because the cupboard with the cups in broke. but there's still cups in the cupboard, pointless I know but yeah, so night." Bert looked confused
but got the idea, nodded and stood up and walked into the kitchen.
"You're alot of fun aren't you Gerard." Bert said, sarcastically, but Gerard had all ready gone into his room. He fiddled around with the coffe for a while burning himself multiple times with the kettle, but he passed it off and managed to make a a sutible tasting liquid. Bert soon got bored and tired, sat on the couch and snuggled up in his blanket.

Gerard was still reading his comic, only about 30-ish pages to go. He closed the book, folding the corner of the page and turned out his bedside light. He pulled the covers up around his shoulder and snuggled into the pillow.

Gerard was suddenly awoken by, obviously Bert, getting into his bed. "What the fuck are you doing?" He questioned turning around, rubbing his eyes. "I'm getting in bed with you. It's cold out there."
♠ ♠ ♠
The cat's eating my mother. :D

Thankyou commenters: :)
Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp