Shallow Believer


Bert and Gerard decided not to take the car, well, it was more of Bert's decision because their car rides were always awkward, at least if they where walking they could talk about scenery or something.

"Skinny cap please." Gerard stood at the counter and ordered, ignoring Bert who was at the place where you get the flavoury sugar for the top of your coffee - he was eating it.
"The vanilla one is so yummy." Bert loudly whispered to Gerard, who rolled his eyes at him and smiled at the girl who gave him the drink and went to rescue Bert.
"Dude, you're going to finish it all. Now I'll walk you to yours and then I'm going home." He said calmly, taking the sugar out of Bert's hands and pulling him out of the door. "Wait," Gerard said, stopping. "Where's yours?" Bert shrugged,
"I'm fine. Got no money anyway, I can make myself one at home." He didn't want to go home yet though. Bert needed another excuse to keep them out longer. "Park?" He asked, leading Gerard across the road to the green outstretch next to them.
"Bert." Gerard groaned. "I have to get home!" Bert stared at Gerard, he knew he was lying, what was Gerard's problem? Was he scared of him?
"Oh really?" He questioned circling Gerard. "To do what, exactly?" He decided to play judge.
"Oh, I don't know. I have to - uh- -"
"Exactly. Nothing. Excuses. Come with me." Bert laughed, linking arms with Gerard and dragging him to the park. Bert was always a kid trapped older guy's body. He loved the playground and refused to look at things from an adults point of view. So, with that he pulled Gerard to the swings and made him sit on one. "Can you do it yourself or do you need me to push you?" Bert asked grinning.
"Do what? Swing? No I can do it myself." Gerard smiled. They ended up just sitting there, talking about things that they'd been Doing lately just a cliche chat.
"Do you still sing, Gee? You used to be real good." Bert asked, kicking the dirt up at his feet.
"Yeah. At times. When I'm bored, I might start a band... in a year or two." He smiled "It's kind of getting dark, can we leave." Gerard really was just wanting to be back in the warmth of his house, drinking his coffee, but he knew it would just end in him wanting to be with Bert again. But it was cold and Gerard was only wearing two layers. Which in that weather was not much.
"Yeah, I'm fucking cold." Het agreed. He stood up and they walked together, up to the end of the park and across the street to Bert's.
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:D :D :D
Comenters are um... sexy :D haha.