Shallow Believer


Bert tossed a pair of pajama pants in Gerard's direction and after putting on a pair of his own, he crawled into bed. Gerard hesitantly followed and curled up, facing away from Bert. Gerard was about to open his mouth to speak when he felt Bert's lips on his. They tasted familiar, with the mixture of alcohol in his breath that reminded Gerard that Bert was drunk. Gerard pushed Bert away and tried to stop panting. "Bert, what was that for?" Gerard was completely and utterly confused.

Bert rolled back over to his side of the bed, sitting up slightly with a shrug, "I'm not tired yet-"
"But you just said you were!" Protested Gerard, staring awkwardly at the bedroom floor.
"Gee, I miss you," Bert whined like a small child, his voice was still slurring.
"Bert, you're drunk," Gerard said darkly. Bert would most likely not remember the kiss, or this conversation come morning and if he did, Bert would probably regret it. Gerard hugged the covers closer under his chin. There was no way he would put himself in a place to be rejected.

"Bert?" Gerard asked after a minute, but all he heard was snoring in return. Gerard sighed, trying to catch some sleep of his own.
Hours later, Gerard heard Bert start to stir; Bert was grumbling and groaning, and nursing a horrible hangover.
"Fu-uck," Bert groaned and slowly sat up, seeing Gerard. Bert's eyes got wide, "Gee!" He screeched, terrified and surprised.
"What are you doing in my bed?" He asked, calming down a little bit.
Gerard whacked him, "Sleeping," he mumbled as he tugged a pillow over his head.
♠ ♠ ♠
finals. finals. finals.
end of the school year. i get out the 16th, so, I'll update more often. (: