Status: I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS!! I guess life happened and well... Hopefully I'll get back to this one day. And again, SORRY!

Fairy Tail

Chapter Ten

Vince's POV

I woke up, feeling someone crawl into my bunk and wrapping their arms around me. I pretended to be asleep, but let out a small giggle as I felt her warm breath in my neck.

“I’ve missed you.” Cassie whispered, her breath tickling my ear softly.

I turned around and when facing her, I placed a soft kiss on her lips. She pulled me closer and I buried my face in her neck.

“I’ve missed you too.” I whispered, meaning it more than ever.

Alex’s POV

We were all sitting outside our bus, catching up with the guys from Hey Monday. It had been quite a while since the last time we saw them and now everyone were talking about all kinds of stuff at the same time. I was in the middle of a discussion about the difference between UK and the US with Jersey and Mike from Hey Monday, when the guys from Paramore showed up. Since everyone already knew each other, the greetings went by pretty fast and the discussions continued.

“Where’s Vince?” Hayley suddenly asked.

“She’s in the bus.” I answered nonchalantly while pointing at the door. “Though I wouldn’t go in there if I were you…”

“And why is that?” Hayley asked sounding a bit nonplussed.

“Cass is there.” Jersey said and grinned. “And doing god knows what…”

Everyone laughed at this, except for Hayley, who looked at Jersey, with confusion written all over her. In that moment, I realized that Vince still hadn’t told her about Cass. “Damn it Vince…” I thought and sighed heavily.

“I’m guessing Vince hasn’t told you…” I began, rather annoyed with Vince.

“Told me what?” Hayley asked and looked at me.

The others had probably realized the same thing, since everyone’s eyes were on Hayley.

“Cassie and Vince are dating… Well, actually they’ve been a couple for about a year now but they still refer to it as dating since it’s not really official.” I explained.

“Oh… No, she didn’t tell me that.” Hayley answered blankly.

There was a silent pause between everyone. I noticed that Josh gave Hayley a look of compassion and it suddenly hit me; Hayley likes Vince. Once I thought about it, I was surprised that it had escaped me. I’d always been quite attentive when it came to small details. I looked at Hayley and I could clearly tell there was something there, even though she tried to hide it.

“Hayles…” I began, but she interrupted me.

“I should go… There are a few things I need to take care of before the show.”

And with that, she stood up and walked towards their bus. Josh was about to follow her, but I caught his eyes and shook my head. He looked at me with surprise as I stood up but then gave me a quick nod before I went after her. I felt as if it was my fault, since I was the one who told her about Cassie and Vince, meaning I had to fix it.

“Vince, you’ve done it again…” I muttered for myself as I reached the Paramore tour bus.

Hayley’s POV

“Cassie and Vince are dating…”

Alex’s words echoed in my head as I made my way back to our bus. I went inside the bus and closed the door behind me, before walking over to my bunk where I lied down with tears burning in my eyes.

“Hayley Nicole Williams, why are you crying?” I asked myself as the first tears fell down my cheek.

I didn’t have time to answer though, since I heard a soft knock on the door before someone entered the bus.

“Hayles, are you okay?”

I panicked.

“I’m fine Alex. I just want to be alone.” I said, not being able to keep my voice from trembling.

As expected, she ignored my words and went inside the bus and into the bunk area. Typical Alex behavior.

“Well, you don’t look that fine to me…” she said and sat down next to me, placing an arm around my shoulders. “It’s Vince, isn’t it?”

I blinked away a few tears and stared at her, about to deny it when she continued.

“It’s okay Hayles, I won’t tell anyone.”

“Tell them what?” I decided to go for the “I-don’t-know-what-you-are-talking-about-card anyway.

She gave me a scrutiny, but decided to leave it just saying:


Even though I was pretty sure Alex had already figured things out, something she’d always been good at when it came to me; I was relieved that she dropped it. I hadn’t even accepted the fact that I’d most likely fallen for Vince myself and for the time being, I wasn’t really in the mood to talk about it, especially not with Vince’s best friend.

Tears kept falling and I was really grateful to Alex, who stayed by my side, whispering comforting words without asking any questions; it almost felt like we were kids again. We remained like that for ten minutes, before I finally managed to calm down. Alex gave me a warm smile and stroke away my bangs.

“You’ll be okay?” she asked.

“Yeah…” I said and nodded. “And Alex… Thanks.”

“It’s nothing really…” she answered and gave me a warm smile. “Besides, I can’t stand seeing my Hbomb with a sad face.”

Now it was my turn to smile as Alex let out a short giggle.

“Well, I better get going, there’s a lot to take care of before the show.” She continued and stood up.

Just as she was on her way out, a thought hit me.

“Alex…” I began which made her stop and turn around. “Why didn’t she tell me about Cassie?”

She bit her lip, looking as she struggled with something in her mind.

“Just… I don’t…” she mumbled and scowled. “I think you better ask her yourself.”

And with that, she walked out the bus and left me on my own.

I sighed heavily as I lied down on the bunk, closing my eyes while taking a few deep breaths.

“This just keeps getting better and better…” I muttered.
♠ ♠ ♠
That's it for now... I'm not sure if I like it, though I hope you do.

Next update will probably be this weekend or so...

// sir Vincent