Status: I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS!! I guess life happened and well... Hopefully I'll get back to this one day. And again, SORRY!

Fairy Tail

Chapter Twenty Three

Vince’s POV

We were halfway through Texas Chainsaw Massacre. “This is what I call a classic.” I thought as the murderer hung one of the girls up on a hook. Hayley covered her eyes at the scene and then let out a small shriek once he started his chainsaw. Since I still hadn’t got over the clowns, I kept jerking each time she made a sound.
Now, you may think I’m just being silly about the whole clown deal, but let me put it this way: obviously you’ve probably seen someone at some point, that’s incredibly afraid of spiders, screaming just by seeing one a few feet away or even on the TV. Now, that’s how I feel about clowns, but worse. Park was right, I could hardly look at a clown without crying, anymore. Stephen King, I curse the day you were born. Well, actually I curse the day I decided to read “It”.

I turned my focus back to the screen, as I felt Hayley’s body tense against mine. It was the scene when the guy went inside the house to look for his friends. Even though I knew what was going to happen, the suspense took over. He walked over to the freezer and just as he was about to open it, someone rushed inside our bus and screamed, making all four of us scream. My heart rate went from normal, to heart attack rate in just one second as Hayley and I grabbed on to each other in panic.
I glanced at Park, who was as pale as a ghost, and then Jeremy, who just stared into thin air. If I hadn’t been one of the victims, I would probably be lying next to Alex on the floor, laughing myself to death. I stared at Alex and Zac, who both were laughing, but still it took me a few more seconds to calm down. Even so, I couldn’t get myself to release the grip I had around Hayley’s waist. How did I manage to get my arms around her that fast? Though I guess the number one question was, why hadn’t Hayley let go yet?

“Man, your faces…” Alex grunted between laughter. “Priceless.”

It took some willpower to finally pull back my arms from where they seemed to fit so perfectly around Hayley. “Snap out of it, Vince.” I told myself, as I grabbed a pillow and threw it towards Alex. For some reason, she didn’t even try to dodge it, and it hit her straight in the face, but there was no reaction from her, whatsoever. Something was wrong here.

“Alex…” I began, but she interrupted me.

“What did we miss?”

Suddenly she was on my other side, wrapping her arms around me while leaning her head on my shoulder. How the hell, did she get here so fast?

“Killer Klowns...” Park said, sounding a bit off.

“You made the little one watch that?” Alex asked in chock, pulling me even closer. “Park how could you?”

“I wouldn’t say watch… She hid behind Hayley the whole time.” Park answered teasingly.

“But that’ll give her nightmares…” Alex continued with a pout. “She’s too young.”

“Excuse me, but last time I checked, Zac and I were the same age.” I muttered, forgetting about Alex’s strange behaviour for a moment.

“No, you’re not, silly.” Alex said and slapped my shoulder, before counting on her fingers.

“He is... about 78 days older than you.”

I gave her a look, that you usually give someone that just said there first word after being silent for their whole life. It was just overwhelming. And that’s when it hit me.

“You’re drunk.” I stated, still looking at her.

“No, I’m not.” She said plainly while cuddling closer to me.

I pushed her away so that I could look her in the eyes. It didn’t look good.

“You always get clingy and acting like a smartass when you’re drunk.”

“Zac!?” both Hayley and Jeremy said in chock.

“She’s not drunk… At least I don’t think she is.” He said and scratched his head.

“What happened?” I asked, still keeping my eyes on Alex.

“We went out to take a few beers with Ray and Josh, but after a while, Alex disappeared.

When she got back…well, she was like this, so I took her home.”

“Thanks Zac.” I said and gave him a quick smile, before turning back to Alex. “Okay, what did you take?”

Everyone, including Alex, looked at me as if I’d just said something really inappropriate. Ignoring them, I tried to keep eye contact with Alex, but she continued to drift off, as if her eyes were having a life of their own. This was bad.

“Alex…” I tried again, this time a bit slower. “What did you take?”

Her eyes focused on me for a while and a wide smile spread across her face.

“Vince, this really hot dude bought me this drink and asked me to come back to his place.” she said happily and then pointed at Zac with a frown. “But Mr Party-pooper over there wouldn’t let me.”

“Are you bloody serious?” I snapped. “How many times haven’t I told you? Do not accept drinks from strangers. You bloody know that!”

“Did I mention he was hot?” she asked confused.

“You obviously got drugged or something… A few beers wouldn’t have this effect on you.” I muttered quietly.

“I’m sorry?” she said, making it sound like a question.

“You will be in the morning…”

“How can you tell she’s been drugged?” Jeremy asked curious.

“It takes a lot to get her this drunk…” I sighed. “Also, I recognize the effects…”

They all gave me one of those, “who-is-this-person”-looks and I couldn’t really blame them. I mean, how many people recognize the effects of drugs that fast?


“Yes, Alex?”

“Don’t do anything stupid.”

I gave her a confused look. I had no idea what she was on about.

“And why is that, miss troublemaker?” I asked.

She seemed to be lost in thoughts, while looking at me and then at Hayley, before leaning close to my ear.

“You have a girlfriend.” She whispered, well, more like tried to whisper since I’m guessing everyone could hear her.

“So much for not knowing what she was on about…” I thought, letting out a sigh.

Without thinking, I used my usual defence; sarcasm.

“I do?” I asked with fake surprise, before changing into a more disappointed tone. “And here I was planning to hook up with Hayley later… Man that would have been awkward. Thanks for telling me.”

Park gave me a look and shook his head. Both of us knew that sarcasm wasn’t the best way to use around Alex at this point, but I couldn’t help it.

“See… Without me, you would have done something really stupid.” She said seriously, while pointing her finger at me. “You should be grateful.”

“You’re a real hero, Alex.” I said, again with the sarcasm.

She nodded her head as a proud smile covered her lips. This was just too much for me to handle right now.

“Vince…” Park said to catch my attention.

I turned to him; as he did the sleeping gesture, where you lean you head on your hands.

“Like I hadn’t though about that…” I muttered to him, before turning back to Alex. “Come one Alex, we’re going to bed.”

“Vincent!” she said and stood up. “Now you’re trying to get me in bed? What’s wrong with you?”

“What are you on about now?” I sighed as the others tried to hide their laughter.

“I’m flattered and all, but I don’t want to do that to Cass and neither should you.” She said, still fully serious.

“Just come with me…” I said and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the front of the bus.
“Hey Vince, watch out for the clowns.”

I froze on the spot, staring in front of me.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” I thought as I heard Park laugh behind me. “You’re just being silly, Vince. There are no clowns here. Just go…” I said to myself as I felt the paranoia grow bigger, keeping me from continue forward.

I glanced from side to side, not even aware of it. The others were still laughing behind me, while Alex shot them death glares.

“I’ll go with you.” Hayley suddenly said, as she grabbed my free hand, pulling Alex and me to the door.

“Oh, a threesome… How fun!” Alex said with a smirk.

“Be quiet.” I muttered as we exited the bus, while Hayley laughed.

“I thought that’s what you wanted. I mean, I’m hot and Hayley’s hot… You’ve even said so…”

“One more word from you and I will find that guy and ask him to take you as far away from me as possible.” I snapped, feeling my cheeks heat up.

“Oh, it’s that time a month, huh? Maybe we’ll just sleep then…” she stated, while nodding her head in agreement.

“I swear, I’m about to bash your head in.” I muttered.

I cast a quick glance at Hayley, who had gone quiet. But then again, why wouldn’t she? Alex had more or less revealed that I thought she was hot.

We got inside our bus and I almost had to drag Alex to the bunk area and force her down on the small sofa placed under my bunk.

“Vince, I’m hungry.” She whined, sounding like a 5 year old.

“Hayley will make you some cereals, but only if you promise to sit still.” I said and gave Hayley a pleading look.

“Cereals it is.” She said cheerfully and made her way to the kitchen area.

“Come on, clothes off.” I said to Alex as Hayley disappeared.

“Don’t think so, perv.” She answered, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Then keep them on, I really don’t care.”

“Good.” She snapped.

“Good.” I snapped back.

We kept glaring at each other, until Hayley got back with a bowl of cereals. Handing it to Alex, she took place on the floor next to me, pulling her knees up and leaning her chin against them.

“Thanks Hayles.”I said gratefully. “You don’t need to stay, you know."

“It’s okay, I want to stay.” She said and gave me a short smile.

I let out a sigh of relief and she gave me a funny look.

“I’m still a bit paranoid about those clowns…” I answered, a bit ashamed.

“God, you really don’t like them.” She said and laughed.

“You got that right.”

“You two would really make a great couple.”

Both Hayley and I turned to Alex, who was staring at us with a wide smile on her face. There was no doubt that both Hayley’s and my cheeks turned red instantly. Did she just say that? I wanted to kill Alex, but at the same time I couldn’t deny that I liked what I’d heard. Still, the killing part was what attracted me the most right now.

There was a long silent between all of us. Alex was still smiling at us, while Hayley and I did everything we could to keep our eyes from meeting. This is what you literary can call, an awkward moment.

“Time to sleep…” I mumbled after a while. “Hayles, you can take Alex bunk.”

I was about to climb into my own bunk, getting away from Hayley as soon as possible. Now, that must be the first time I actually wanted to get away from her. Progress?

Just as I was about to swing my leg, Alex grabbed my foot, making me fall down and land, face down, on the floor.

“Ha ha, face plant.” Alex laughed.

“Vince, are you okay?” Hayley asked with concern.

“I’m sleeping here tonight.” I muttered, refusing to move an inch, since the urge to kill Alex was just too big.

“Are you sure?” Hayley asked again.

“I’m sure.”

“Me too!” Alex shouted all of a sudden, while landing on my back.

“How about we put some mattresses on the floor and we all sleep there?”

“Sure…” I said tiredly, trying to ignore the thought of having Hayley close to me all night.

We grabbed our bunk mattresses and put them on the floor. Since the area was rather small, we almost lied on each other, not that I complained. Suddenly though, Alex climbed back onto the sofa, leaving me and Hayley on the floor.

“Too crowded…” she muttered, but I knew she’d planned it all along and I loved her for it.

Just in case, I moved away from Hayley a bit, to keep it from getting awkward. Though, I was still close enough to feel the warmth from her body against mine.

Soon, heavy breathing could be heard from the sofa, meaning Alex had fallen asleep. I was lying on my back, staring at the ceiling, while thinking about something to say, though Hayley beat me to it.

“So I’m hot, huh?”

There was an obvious amusement in her voice, but it didn’t stop me from blushing like a mad person. Still, I chose to go for the truth card.

“I would lie if I told you otherwise.”

She got quiet for a while. My response was probably not what she’d expected. “What if I made her uncomfortable?” I thought, biting my lip. “Better I keep my mouth shut from now on.”

Hayley’s POV

What the hell was wrong with me? After Alex’s little comment, you would think that asking Vince if she thought I was hot would be the last thing to come out of my mouth. Still, that’s exactly what I’d said. Then again, her answer was probably the last thing I’d expect to come out of her mouth. It would have been much better if she’d just given me some witty response that made us both laugh, instead of this. Sure, I loved to hear those words coming from her, but that was not the point. I was confused.
Did it mean she likes me? Though, if that’s the case, she wouldn’t have moved away as soon as Alex moved to the couch. But then again, she has Cass, meaning the move was a given. Or, was it just to give me some space?

“Hayles, you’re thinking too much again…” the tiny voice in my head said. “Obviously, she moved away since she wanted more space. It’s got nothing to do with whether she likes you or not. Just say something already.”

Shit, I haven’t answered yet. She must think I’m blunt. Come on Hayles, anything will due…

“That makes two of us.”

Anything besides that… It took a few seconds for me to actually get what I’d just said and that only led to me, mentally bashing my brain with a hammer, while my cheeks literary were burning up. Now you’ve done it Hayles…

Vince’s POV

Okay… So that was five words I’d never wanted to hear, but at the same time, was all I ever wanted to hear. Hearing her say those five words, did the trick and the barrier I’d worked so hard on to keep, shattered into small pieces. My mind was a complete turmoil, so I did the only thing that felt right at the moment; I leaned forward and kissed her.

Actually, I didn’t get that far since Alex decided that it was a great time to say something in her sleep, meaning our lips only brushed against each other, before I snapped out of my trance and quickly pulled back my head.

Remind me to thank Alex in the morning, because that was way too close.

“Hayles, I’m so sorry.” I mumbled quietly, trying to keep myself from panicking.

“It’s okay Vince. Really…” she answered quickly, sounding rather nervous. “Maybe we should just…sleep…”


“Yeah… Night Vince…”

“Night Hayles…”

I turned to the side, facing the sofa instead of Hayley. My cheeks were burning up and my heart would probably jump out of my chest any minute now. Did I really just try to kiss Hayley? I’m so bloody stupid. Now I’ve probably ruined everything. I’ll never be able to get close to her again, without her worrying about me trying to pull off something like that. Damn it, Vince.

I was furious with myself. How could I be so bloody stupid? Then it hit me; she didn’t pull away. Why was that? Though, the more I thought about it, the more unlikely it seemed. I took her by surprise; of course she didn’t have time to pull away. It’s stupid…

That night, it took quite some time before the anger and frustration subsided and for me to calm down and being able to sleep, especially knowing that she was lying next to me, only inches away. Inches, that at the moment, felt like miles.

Hayley’s POV

I couldn’t decide if I should praise Alex’s sleep talking or curse it. Vince almost kissed me; I had even been able to feel her lips against mine for a nanosecond. She almost kissed me and the thought about pulling away, hadn’t even crossed my mind. To know that she was only inches away, but at the same time, so far away, was extremely frustrating. Though, at least that little incident confirmed everything I’d been wondering for a while now; whether Vince liked me or not. That little stunt of hers could only mean one thing and that thought alone, was the one floating around in my mind as I slowly drifted off to sleep. That night, I’m sure I feel asleep with a smile on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
That's it for quite some time actually... I might update it next week, but I can't promise anything. After that though, I'll be traveling through Europe for 2 weeks, so updating is not an option.

Anyway... Let me know what you think, will you?

// Vince