Status: I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS!! I guess life happened and well... Hopefully I'll get back to this one day. And again, SORRY!

Fairy Tail

Chapter Four

Ray’s POV

The interview had gone well and I was still laughing as we left the studio. Teasing Vince about the band name was probably our favourite pastime, something that would never get old. As we walked towards the exit, I could hear her muttering something for herself, something she always did after an interview. Alex and Park were walking a few steps ahead of us, laughing at something. As usual, I felt a bit jealous since I had a smaller crush on Park. I had for a long time, suspected that Park likes Alex, even though he’d denied it many times. Alex on the other hand, didn’t show any of that kind of feelings towards him. We left the building and I took a deep breath, filling my lunges with the cool summer breeze. I noticed how Vince quickly pulled out her phone and put it against her ear, probably planning on interrogating Cassie about the rumours.

“Don’t let her get away!” Alex yelled as she formed a gun with her thumb and index finger, pointing at Vince.

“Trust me, I won’t.” Vince yelled back with an evil grin.

I walked over to my old car and took place behind the wheel as Park sat down next to me. Alex laid down in the backseat sighing heavily. We sat in silence, as we watched Vincent talking with Cassie on the phone.

“Judging by her gestures and the fact that she’s screaming, I’m guessing the rumours were true.” I said tiredly after only a short moment, as the others nodded in agreement.

Vince’s POV

As we left the building, I quickly pulled out my phone from my pocket and called Cassie. She picked up after two signals, but didn’t have time to say anything before I attacked her.


“Oh… I’m guessing you’ve heard the rumours?” she said and laughed.


“Now, this was a tough one… On one hand, I’d rather not die, but on the other…” she went quiet for a few seconds before continuing. “What the heck, I’ve had good life. My answer is yes, the rumour…”

“THEN WHY HAVEN’T YOU TOLD ME!?” I interrupted her by yelling again as I stomped my feet in the ground and clenched my fist.

“Hmm… Because I know how much you just love surprises!” she said and after a moment of silence, she yelled: “SURPRISE!”

“I swear, when I see you I will rip you into small pieces and make a guacamole.”

“Oh, we’re not screaming anymore? I mean, a threat is much more effective if you’re yelling.”

“You’re a real comedian, you know that?”

“Well, at least I’m not aggressive, loud and grumpy. You should really go see a doctor about those mood swings of yours. I’m worried about you honey.”

“Yeah, aren’t we all…” I said sarcastically. “Don’t change the subject though. So you actually weren’t going to tell me until we got to Franklin?”

“No, you’ve got I all wrong… I wasn’t going to tell you until you got to Nashville, not Franklin.”

“Oh, because that’s not really the same!?”

“No, Franklin is one town and Nashville’s another. I don’t know how it’s like in Sweden or the UK, but over here, two different cities are not the same.”

“Hilarious.” I said, again with the sarcasm.

“Always darling. Now, if we can leave that behind for a moment… How did the interview go?”
I sighed heavily.

“Besides the obvious you mean?”

“Please continue…”

“It went well and I’m glad it’s over.”


I turned around to find Alex standing next to the car, stomping her right foot in the ground as she pointed at her watch.

“I’m coming!” I yelled back and sighed.

“I’m glad that I’m not the only one being threatened. You better get going, it’s already been 5 seconds and she sounded rather serious.” Cassie said in the phone and burst out laughing.

“Probably…I’ll call you after the show.”

“It’s a deal. Give them one hell of show.”

“I’ll do that! And Cass, no more surprises!”

“Well, I can’t promise you anything, but I shall give it a try.” She said and laughed quietly.

“That’s all I’m asking for.”

“Good! I love you.”

“Love you too.”

I hung up and put the phone back in my pocket. Alex went back inside as I walked over to the car, getting into the backseat next to Alex.

Alex’s POV

“Finally…” I said and got an evil look from Vince. I ignored it as I continued. “We’ll be touring with Cassie and the guys then!?”

“How did you kn…”

“The answer was quite obvious.”

“What’s that supposed to mean.” She answered and gave me another angry look.

“Well, you always stomp your feet in the ground and yell when you’re upset.”

“I’m not upset… I just don’t like when people keep things from me.”

I sighed as she turned to stare out the window.

“Then you should be grateful that Cassie’s the only one who has the guts to do something like that.” She turned around and gave me an annoyed and confused look. “You’re temper… It simply isn’t worth the risk, though Cassie obviously hasn’t got that yet…”

“MY TEMPER IS PERFECTLY FINE!” she yelled and stomped her feet at the car floor.

“I rest my case…”

In the front, both Ray and Park were trying to hide their laughter as Vince turned her gaze to the window again with a loud snort.

“Hey Ray, let’s get something to eat…and maybe a cup of coffee for our sulky friend here before she kills us all.” I said and laughed.

“McDonalds it is. And Alex, if I were you, I would move closer to the door. In that way, you’ll at least have a puny chance to escape the bloodthirsty beast sitting next to you.” Ray said before Park and she burst into laughter.

I turned to look at Vince, who was glaring at me with an evil smirk across her face.

“Hey Vince, I was just joking… Vi-Vince, you can at least say something.” Her eyes remained on me as the smirk became slightly wider. I prepared myself for the worst to come. “Remember, Buddhists don’t kill. Ray, tell her that Buddhists don’t kill!”

“Sorry Alex, but you’re beyond rescue.” She said as she stopped the car in front of McDonalds.

“Park?” I continued while Vince remained quiet.

“Ray is right.” He said and grinned. “And while we go get the food, you girls stay here. We’ll be right back, so don’t try anything.”

“That means both of you.” Ray added before they closed their doors and walked into the restaurant, laughing.

I turned back to Vince who was still glaring at me in silence.

“Okay, Vince. It’s not funny anymore.”

“Says who?” She finally said, still with her eyes on me.

“Me, who am the oldest one here right now, which means you, should obey me when I tell you to stop staring at me.”

“And what if I don’t?”

“I’ll call Cassie.” I said and smirked, knowing that I’d won.

“You really are a pain in the ass sometimes.” she said and sighed heavily, admitting her defeat.

“I love you too.”

Vince’s POV

After a while, Ray and Park returned to the car with food and coffee.

“I hope you kids behaved, which I’m guessing you did since Alex’s still alive.” Park said with a big smile.

“Of course we did.” I said and smiled back. “Now, let’s hurry home before the food gets cold.”


“TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!” I answered before we both burst into laughter.

“Toy Story again, huh?” Ray asked, letting out a deep sigh.

“Of course… Best. Movie. Ever!” Alex said and laughed.

“Indeed… A movie about talking toys, its bloody genius!”

Alex and I had watched Toy Story at least a hundred times together with her twin brothers and we could every line by heart, something we often used to drive Park and Ray mad.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soo... That was the fourth chapter... I hope you still like it, since I'm planning to upload a few more chapters today. I don't have anything better to do...
Comments are appreciated and will make me happy, even bad ones... I'm just so lonely...

Stay tuned for Chapter five!!

// sir Vincent