Status: Finished.

Second Chances


The doorbell rang letting everyone in the house know that the storm that had been brewing had arrived. Jimmy answered the door as the rest of them stood in the kitchen listening in on them, minus Sam though. She was upstairs changing out of her bathing suit and in to something else.

She stopped at the top of the stairs, giving Jimmy and Brian some space to breathe.

The heartbroken grown man was clinging around Jimmy’s neck, leaning all off his weight on to the taller, skinnier man. He was crying in to his shoulder explaining how much he loved Chelsea and how much he wanted to spend forever with her and how much she didn’t want the same. Jimmy tried his best to comfort his friend by rubbing small circles on his back, but honestly, he had no clue what to do right now.

“Can I just have a little?” Brian begged with starry eyes before putting his head back down on Jimmy’s shoulder. “Please?”

The stairs creaked behind Jimmy as Sam made her way down to the last step. He turned to look at her for some sort of relief or at least an answer, but all she did was stand there.

“No Brian.”

His eye brows scrunched together and he looked up at Jimmy. “W-What?”

“You can’t have any tonight,” Jimmy explained. “You don’t need them.”

“Yes I do,” He argued, getting a little irritated at him.

“Brian,” Sam spoke softly, moving closer to them. His angry eyes fixated themselves on to her and watched her intently. She reached her hand out for him to take. “Just come with me. Please?”

He let go of Jimmy and took Sam’s hand. She helped him up the stairs as Jimmy and the rest of the guys watched from the first floor.

She turned the knob of her door and opened it, letting him walk in first, but not breaking their contact with each other. She shut it behind her, taking him over to her bed and sitting down on the edge. He slumped down next to her on the floor at the foot of her bed.

He sat there with his legs extended out; staring at his feet that still had his shoes on that he had neglected to take off at the door. He reached for the laces and untied them, slipping them off and putting them next to him.

There was a tension building in the room but neither one of them knew what it was from. Maybe it was from Brian’s anger at Jimmy for not giving him what he wanted. Or maybe it was Sam’s guilt for knowing why Chelsea left him high and dry. Or maybe it was just the fact that this wasn’t really the best of all situations to put yourself in to.

“You don’t have anything up here do you?” He spoke up.

“Damnit,” He cursed.

“You don’t need them Bri,” She reassured.

He turned his head and flashed rage filled eyes at her. “Yes I do,” He gritted through his teeth. “I don’t fucking have a reason to not use them now. That fucking bitch walked away from me and now I can have whatever the fuck I want.”

Sam scooted a little away from him, afraid that he might try to hurt her or something. Once she felt a little safe again and he looked away, she took another chance at talking again.

“Drugs do horrible things to people Bri. I don’t want to see you ending up in some hospital bed with tubes and wires coming out of you.”

“Like you would know,” He scoffed.

Sam sat up straighter and took a defensive stance. “Actually, I would.”

“Well maybe if you shared some of your goods with me, we wouldn’t be in this position.”

“I don’t have any!” She hollered. He rolled his eyes.

“You know, I was going to try and help you get over this whole break up of yours,” She shouted, standing up from the bed. “But if you’re just going to be an egotistical asshole, then I’m not going to help you. I’d just hate to see one of my friends end up the way I did.”

She started to take a step away from the bed, but he grabbed her calf, pulling her back.

“Don’t go,” He whispered.

“Why not?” She demanded, keeping her attention focused on the door to the hall. She didn’t get an answer back from him so she took it as he didn’t know what he was supposed to say or that he didn’t mean to say that at all. Never the less, she decided to stay anyway.

She sighed and spun around, looking down at him. “Promise to not beg for anymore drugs?”

His eyes met hers and he nodded. She took a seat right next to him on the ground and stretched her legs out to match his. It was now that she had noticed she didn’t turn on the lights before they walked in.

“So you know about Chelsea and I then?” He spoke out of the silence.

She nodded. “Yeah. I’m sorry.”

“It wasn’t because of you,” He clarified. “It was something else.”

“I know,” She said quietly.

He furrowed his brows together and stared down at his feet. “You knew?”

Sam nodded again. “She called me from your phone earlier and explained it to me.”

“Did she say anything else?” he asked, shifting his weight around nervously.


She leaned over to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulder, pulling him in to her chest for some sort of weird sideways hug. “It’ll get better. It hurts like hell at first, but the pain eventually numbs and fades away. Then, you get a second chance at things.”

He brushed the back of his hand against his cheek, getting rid of the fallen tears. She kept herself where she was and he reached up, holding on to her forearm with his hand. Her chin rested on his shoulder and nothing could be heard but the sound of their breath.

The silence was welcomed as they two of them shared their moment together. Brian was cursing himself out for acting like such a douche. Sam was trying to be the supportive, comforting one that she was for her mother way back when.

The very thought of that caused her to tear up.


“Yeah,” She sniffed.

He let go of her arm and turned his head to the side. He caught her at her most vulnerable moment and thought she was still really pretty. He reached over with his hand and wiped away her tears with his thumb.

“I really shouldn’t be the one crying. You should be.”

“I can’t be sad when a beautiful angel is crying right next to me.”

She gave a half smile at his lousy pick up line and let go of him, getting rid of her tears herself. Now it was his turn to be the comforter as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her back in to his chest.

Once she regained her composure, she picked herself up from him and sat up straighter again.

“Thank you.”

He replied with a smile and some how, she knew that this wasn’t going to be an easy night for the both of them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nightmare - 16 days.

Sam's Outfit