Status: Finished.

Second Chances


“Hey Jimmy!” Matt greeted as they stepped in to the studio. “Hey Sam.”

She gave a little wave and Jimmy mumbled something about her being able to sit on the couch while they worked. She nodded her head and got comfortable on the couch, knowing that she would be there for a while.

Stretching out her legs, she pulled her iPod out of her pocket and plugged in the headphones, slipping them in to her ear and quickly scrolling through the thousands of songs she had. She skipped past Avenged Sevenfold, not really in the mood to listen to them. Instead, she just put her iPod on shuffle and let it choose the songs for her.

She watched as Matt and Jimmy talked with one another and traded sheets of paper with what she was assuming were lyrics written on them, bobbing her head to the beat of the music in her ears.

Jimmy would get frustrated with what he was trying to show Matt and would throw his hands up in the air, pacing a circle around him like a little child. But in turn, Matt would get mad at Jimmy and force himself out of the chair, pushing it back pretty hard with his strong arms before walking away for a minute to chill out.

Sam chuckled lightly at their outrageous behavior and stayed lost in her own world.

Forty- seven minutes later, Jimmy and Matt were finally agreeing on something. Sam knew this because they weren’t acting like PMSing girls anymore. They were actually calm and working together.

Actually, things were a little too calm.

It was like they had a plan to be a pain in the ass to each other all along. Sam ignored it and went back to focusing her attention on her iPod. A little Hollywood Undead never hurt anyone.

I was running in circles. I hurt myself, Just to find my purpose. Everything was so worthless, I didn't deserve this, But to me you were perfect.

I see me writin on this paper. Prayin for some savior. Wishin to intake her and save her. In a world so, so godless so thoughtless, I don't know how we wrought this, All the love that you brought us. It feels like I'm killin myself. Just willin myself. Just to pray for some help. I'd give it all just to have, have your eternity. Cause it's all that assures me. It's worth all that hurts me. I'd give you my heart, And I'd let you just hold it. I'd give you my soul, But I already sold it.

Hollywood Undead was currently booming through the speakers of his black mustang as he drove down to the studio that Matt told him to come to. Apparently, he and Jimmy had come up with a great guitar riff and wanted his take on it.

After the whole Sam incident, all Brian wanted to do was get back in the studio. He wanted to create something that he loved and was passionate about.

But in the back of his mind, all he could think about was her.

He knew that Chelsea and him just broke up, and that he was about to propose to her, but there was something about Sam that just made him feel like, like time shouldn’t be wasted because life was too short.

That night when she told him about her parents and why she moved out here, he knew that he needed to be careful around her. He knew how fragile she was, and that only made him more attracted to her. Like he needed to be the one to take care of her and help her through the darkness, even if he didn’t have a flashlight.

And when he dared to kiss her, it only confirmed his feelings for her. Not only did he want to be her shoulder to cry on, but he wanted to be the one she said she loved. He wanted to call her his.

But everything needed to be taken in baby steps.

It’s hard to say that everything will be okay.

The notes of Hollywood Undead’s Circles faded out as Brian pulled the key out of the ignition. He popped the trunk and grabbed the two guitars that he brought in their cases, slamming it shut and hitting the lock button on his keys.

“Hey Sam?” Matt called out to her. She yanked one of the headphones out of her ear and looked over at him. “Can you go get the recorder out of the booth?”

She nodded lazily and put the other headphone back in her ear, turning up the volume to Watch Me Bleed by Scary Kids Scaring Kids, heading in to the recording booth.

Sam didn’t see it sitting anywhere out in the open, so she bent down on the floor to see if it fell down there.

“Gates!” Matt greeted.

“Yo,” He answered back, putting his cases on the couch. “What’d ya come up with so far?”

“Can you go grab the lyrics from the booth? Jimmy left them in there I think,” Matt asked. Brian nodded and walked over to the booth. When his eyes scanned around for the lyrics that were supposedly missing, he was greeted with the sight of Sam’s ass up in the air.

She felt another sort of presence in the room and knew that she was no longer alone. And now they were currently staring at her ass that was sticking up in the air.

“Goddamnit,” She cursed under her breath, slowly standing back up to see who was in the booth with her.

Before her brain could even register what was going on, Matt at snuck over and locked the door from the outside with the key. Her eyes went wide, as did his when they realized that the two of them had set them up.

“Oh I’m going to kill Jimmy!” She hissed.

She saw Jimmy standing out in the middle of the room, holding a little white box in his hand. She raised her middle finger up to him while Brian stood back in the corner.

Jimmy pressed a button on the box and began to talk. “You two need to settle your differences and then you can come out of time out.”

Again, she raised her middle finger to him. Brian flipped him off as well.

Jimmy just laughed and walked away from the viewing window to go back to whatever he and Matt were working on previously.

Brian slumped in the corner against the wall, not exactly sure of what he wanted to say, but he knew he wanted to say something. Sam was looking down at her ipod, spinning her thumb in circles trying to select a song. He smiled at how cute she looked right now. He shook his head and looked back down at his shoes.

Sam sighed and pressed the pause button and held it down, turning off her ipod. They were going to have to talk at some point and now looked to be the time, even if it wasn’t on their own terms.

“Bri,” She spoke up quietly. He picked his head up and met her fiery blue eyes with his own warm brown ones. Her teeth gripped her bottom lip lightly as she dropped her head back down and stared at her toes.

He pushed himself off of the wall and moved over to her, standing with some distance between them, but not too much. It took all it had in him not to grab her and hold her right then and there.

“Sam, look at me.” She hesitated a little, but finally looked up. He noticed at the flawless features in her face, getting a little distracted by them.

“I’m sorry.”

“Me too,” She answered back quietly, no louder than a whisper before dropping her head back down.

He gave up on trying to get her to look at him and instead reached out for her hand, taking it in his and lacing their fingers together. She stared down at them for a minute and averted her eyes somewhere else on the ground.

There was no tension between them, just silence.
Silence that could kill if it were allowed to.

“Samantha, I really like you.”

Without even waiting for her to answer back, he took his free hand and placed it under her chin, lifting her head up. She didn’t even have a second to stop him because his lips were already on hers, leaving her with a gentle, yet compassionate kiss.

As he pulled away, he pressed his lips against the corner of her mouth lightly, leaving her breathless and in a dazed state of mind. Her eyes opened slowly and the swirl of butterflies in her stomach only confirmed what she had felt.

“I really like you too Brian.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm, so things may have been mended back together.
If I were you, I'd check out Hollywood Undead.
They'e pretty beast :]

And yes, Brian and Sam were in fact listening to the same exact song.

As always, tell me your thoughts, your hopes, your dreams. Anything. Except for JENNA. You cannot tell me your hopes and dreams. Haha.