Status: Finished.

Second Chances


“Call me when you land,” Katie said, placing a reassuring hand on Sam’s knee as they waited in the drop off lane at the airport. Her eyes watered as she unbuckled her seatbelt, leaning over the center counsel to hug Katie.

“I will,” She whimpered, holding her tighter. Katie let her go and wiped away her tears with the palm of her hand, giving Sam a slight smile, “Go, you’re going to miss your flight,” She pressed, pushing her out of the car.

Sam grabbed her things from the back and waved a Katie before walking in to the terminal.

She had planned on leaving for California a few years from now, but with the events that had just occurred, now seemed like the better opportunity.

After paying for her one way ticket to LAX, Sam passed through security and boarded the plane. Luckily, she got a window seat and a nice woman that sat next to her the whole ride. But, Sam wasn’t going to listen to anyone because she was too busy drowning out the world with her headphones.

“We are now ready for takeoff; please fasten your seatbelts,” The pilot announced.

Then slowly, but surely she watched the state of South Carolina disappear beneath her.

The plane landed a few hours later and the warm sun of California greeted her as she stepped off. She skipped baggage claim, since she was already carrying her three bags with, and headed out to the street, managing to hail a cab.

She tossed her things into the back seat, “Pacific Coast Highway please,” She said climbing in.

“That’s all the way in Huntington!” He complained. She pulled out her wad of cash and gave him a one hundred dollar bill, “Yes m’am,” He said eyeing the money greedily.

It was a long drive from Los Angeles to Huntington Beach, but soon enough they got there. She told him to go to the pier and that’s where he dropped her off.

“Thank you,” She smiled, handing him another hundred dollar bill, taking her things from the back and swinging them on to her shoulders.

The cab drove away and she walked on to the pier, her bags swinging at her hips. People passed by her, giving her strange looks, but nothing to dramatic.

When she reached her destination of the farthest end of the pier, she curled her fingers over the wooden railing and peered out over the edge into the deep blue and green water. She smiled remembering the summers she had spent with Katie and her family on the beach.

She turned back around and started to make her way back towards the beginning of the wooden pier when she heard her name being called out from behind her.

“Sam!” She ignored it, “SAM!”

She kept walking, thinking that it was someone else they were looking for. After all, there were a lot of Sam’s and Samantha’s in this world.

She felt a hand wrap around her arm, pulling her backwards. She was met face to face with the bright blue eyes of a man.

“Sam?” He questioned, studying the features of her face. She was doing the same.

He had gotten much older since the last time she saw him. He ditched the last family get together because he had a prior commitment. Sam always knew that he was lying. He just didn’t want to be criticized and annoyed with the fact that their family didn’t like that he was in a band and had tattoos and piercings.

She gulped, “Hi Jimbo,” She said weakly.

He let go of her arm a little, “What are you doing out here?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.

“I-I don’t-t know-w,” She stuttered, looking anywhere but at his face. Now she was cursing herself for not thinking of an excuse as to why she was out here.

He looked down at her bags on her shoulders, “Were you coming to stay with someone?”

She shrugged, “I don’t know.”

“Sam,” he sighed, “What the hell is going on?”

“I needed to get away from home for a while,” She forced out.

“So you ran here?” he asked, looking at her like she had grown a third eye.

She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it after realizing she had nothing to say, she just looked down at the wooden planks beneath them.

“Samantha Rene,” He said in a serious tone, “What the hell did you get yourself in to?”

“A lot,” She sighed and remained quiet.
He spoke up, “Do you need a place to stay?”

She looked up at him and smiled, “Please?”

“For my cousin! Of course I’d let you stay!” He grinned, wrapping his arms around her, giving her a bone crushing hug.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's the actual story. Enjoy it loves :]
More when I have time and energy.
Damn English project.

Tell your friends!