Status: Finished.

Second Chances


After the shopping extravaganza, everyone decided it would be best to just come home and relax, giving up on their plans to go out to dinner. Actually, Sam sort of decided it for all of them; she had told everyone that she wanted to take a nap with Pinkly when she got home.

Lacey and Katie had gotten along really well during the day and she offered to take Katie back to the hotel, leaving Leana and Sam to drive back by themselves.

Sam had given Leana the keys to Jimmy’s Range Rover, not exactly in the right state of mind to drive. Her thoughts were scattered all over the place. Maybe Leana could help out with this. Sam didn’t think Michelle said anything about Leana thinking that Chelsea was still the good girl.

“Can I ask something?” Sam spoke up. Leana looked away from the road for a second, waiting for her to go on with what she was saying.

“Who is Chelsea?”

Leanna furrowed her brows together, not really understanding what Sam was asking. “What’d you mean?”

Sam sat up a little straighter in her seat, trying to come up with what she wanted to say. “Like I know that she’s dated Brian and that she left him to go find some guy she met in high school, but Michelle told me about what she did to their relationship when her and Brian were still together.”

Leana’s posture stiffened in the seat behind the wheel. Sam could tell she had just made the situation a little uncomfortable for the both of them.

Hesitating, she still answered, “In all honesty, Chelsea’s a straight up bitch. I never really liked her.”

“There’s just something about her that makes her come off as fake to me, like she’s just trying to win over a guy for money or looks or whatever,” She explained, taking a left on to Main Street and heading back home. “I kept telling Michelle that we needed to get rid of her, but Lacey and Val just wouldn’t listen to us.”

“Yeah, that’s what she said,” Sam added, nodding her head in agreement.

“But now that she’s gone and you’ve sort of ‘replaced’ her, everyone is much happier.”


Leanna pulled up to a red light and stopped behind the car in front of her. “There used to be so many fights between all of us. I was almost sure that after the last record, the band was done.”

“It was that bad?” Sam said in disbelief of this news.

She nodded. “Yeah, and I blame Chelsea. She’s comes off as this goody-two-shoes but she is just god awful. I wouldn’t be surprised if she turned out to be some hooker or serial killer.”

Sam laughed, “She didn’t seem like that on the phone, but I get what you’re saying.”

“And now you’re all paranoid about it?” Leana asked, stepping on the gas as the light turned green and the cars started to move again.

Sam gave a weak smile in Leana’s direction. “Just a little.”

“When I see you and Brian together, I see something I haven’t seen in a long time. Not since after him and Michelle called it off for good. He’s actually happy Sam. Ecstatic even.”

“And he wasn’t with Chelsea?”

“I think he got it in to his head that Chelsea was his rebound and he needed that gap filled, ya know? So he kept telling himself that he was happy, but everyone could tell he was slightly miserable on the inside.”

Leanna stopped at the corner of their street and turned to look right at Sam. “He’s falling in love with you Sam.”

“I think I’m falling in love with him too.

When they returned home, Jimmy came running out the front door like a chicken with his head cut off, but Leana stopped him dead in his tracks. “She’s tired. Don’t give her crap about taking you car right now,” She said as a sleepy looking Sam made her way in to the house through the front door that Jimmy had left open.

Even though it was probably only three-thirty in the afternoon, Sam’s body and mind were exhausted from the day. She walked up the stairs to her room and didn’t even bother changing her clothes. She just fell down face first on her bed with the super soft comforter, pretty much passing out.

Wandering about in dream world with Brian and a purple rubber duck, Sam was recovering nicely. She woke up after her three hour power nap to find herself under the covers. She sat up, trying to remember if she put herself under them, or if she just magically ended up there.

Sam rubbed her eyes, hoping that would make her burry vision and a little better, and looked around her room for maybe a magical lion or something that put her under the covers, but when she came up short of the magical lion, she got a little disappointed.

Instead she found Brian asleep, or looking to be asleep at least, in a deep purple and squishy arm chair next to her dresser. She titled her head to the side as a smile played on her lips.

“Stop watching me sleep,” He said, peeking out from under the black fangs of his long eyelashes.

“Stop watching me sleep,” She retorted.

“You’re not sleeping right now, are you?” He asked, cocking his brow in her direction.

“Neither are you,” She said mimicking his actions. After a slight staring contest, both Brian and Sam gave one last look to each other before breaking out in to smiles and giggles.

“Why are you in my room?” Sam asked after she had calmed down a bit, smoothing out the wrinkles in the fabric pooled around her.

“Do you not like me in your room?”

She picked her head up. “No,” She smiled.

Brian nodded lazily and leaned his head against the side of the chair. “I came to see if you wanted to go with me and Zacky tonight. Jimmy told me you were up here and he kept mumbling something about you taking his car.” Sam’s eyes got a little wide, but not huge as his said this. She figured that’s what Leana was talking to him about when they got home.

“Then I found you up here on your bed and you didn’t look very comfortable,” He said, scrunching up his face. “I figured you’d be better off under the covers.”

A soft smile graced her lips. “Thanks Bri.”

He nodded again half asleep.

“Brian?” She called out, breaking the fallen silence.


She shifted around on the bed for a minute, moving from the middle to the left side. “Lay with me?”

Even in the dim lighting of her room from the sun setting outside, he could see her blue eyes sparkling. He smiled softly and stood up form the arm chair, stopping at the foot of her bed. “Are we staying in for the night?”

She gave him a ‘no-duh’ look.
“Does it look like I’m moving any time soon?”

He chuckled in response and began unbuckling his belt. First she freaked out, but caught on a second later and get out of bed. He gave her a quizzical expression, watching her make her way across the room.

“What?” I want to be comfy too,” She said like a child, adding a coy smile to go along with it. She pulled off her shirt and replaced it with a black tank top. His eyes were glued to her figure as she wriggled out of her jeans, doing a double take when he saw her Tweedy Bird panties.

She blushed a little and smiled out of embarrassment, quickly throwing on a pair of black and white cotton shorts, skipping back to the bed. Brian gave her that signature half grin of his, pulling his shirt up over his head.

In the back of her mind she kept telling herself that she was to do nothing with him but sleep. Her body begged of her to behave, but when a guy like Syn is crawling half named in to your bed, sometimes self-control is a lot harder than you think.

“Oh my god, you are so warm,” Sam exaggerated, feeling his body heat under the sheets. He put an arm around her waist and pulled her in to him. Immediately she felt warmer, either from him or her own body and its hormones.

“Go to sleep babe,” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. She didn’t need to be told twice before she found herself drifting off in to Never Land, cuddled up to Synyster Gates.

Tonight’s dreams were going to be great.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sam's Outfit

So I'm sorry I have been gone so long. I was laptop-less for a while, then I had a horse show. And now school! Oh jeez! Busy busy!

Now I am going to try and make up for. Promise.
Photo credit to meee!