Status: Finished.

Second Chances

Twenty Two

A while later, after spending the day on the sand and water together, Brian drove Sam back home. She told him that if she wasn’t sunburned that they could hang out tomorrow, but if she was, he was going to have some trouble getting her out of bed.

He threw his keys on the counter top, heading o the fridge next and pulling out a beer.

Sure he had had a great day with Sam today, but throughout most of it, he was beating himself up about telling her that he was going to propose to Michelle. It was a stupid mistake and he wished he could take it back.

Heavily sighing, he slipped off his shoes and took his phone in one hand, beer in the other, making his way to the couch in the living room. If there was anyone who could make this situation better, it was Jimmy, but this time it involved his cousin and Brian wasn’t exactly sure how Jimmy would take all of it.

So he went for his second option and called Michelle up.

Impatiently waiting for the other line to pick up, he sat down on the couch, kicking his feet up on the coffee table and sinking in to the soft cushions.

“Hey Brian,” Michelle greeted. By the tone of her voice, he could tell she was smiling.

“Hey babe.”

“Hold on,” She said quickly, shuffling some things in the background. “Okay, sorry. I had some papers I was working on for school.”

“I thought you were going to acting school?” Brian questioned, taking a sip of his beer.

“No, that’s Val. I’m going for graphic design.”

He nodded. “Right.”

She giggled. “So I can draw you guys another logo better than Cam did.”

“Maybe. His was pretty good though.”

“Yeah, and now it’s all over the goddamn place!”

“Hey! It’s what we’re known for!”

“Yeah, that and your crazy sex with groupies,” Michelle snickered, teasing him about it.

“You know, you were one of those ‘groupies’.”

“Brian, I was your girlfriend. There’s a difference.”

“No when you were---“

“Enough.” Michelle cut him off. “You have Sam to be focusing on now anyway.”

He sighed, grumbling some words to himself that she couldn’t understand. “Yeah, about that……”

“Oh no, you didn’t scare her off already, did you?”

“No!” He piped up, pausing for a moment to find the right words. “I took her to the beach today.”

“Awhh,” She cooed. “That must’ve been nice for the two of you, especially after our little talk the day before about that skanky bitch.”

“Yeah, well that skanky bitch still knows where we live,” He reminded her in a defensive tone.

“Are you defending Chelsea right now? Because so god help me Haner, if you are, I will be over there and kicking your ass from here to the moon,” Michelle warned, gritting her teeth.

“Chelle, calm down.”

“No. Brian, it’s about fucking time you realize that she’s no good for you. I never liked her from day one. And you know what? She’s playing the same games with Sam that she did with me. So if I were you, I’d actually shut the hell up for once and stop listening to my dick and listen to my friends.”


“Seriously Bri. I know a whore when I see one.”

He sighed. “Alright fine. I’ll take your word on this one.”

“Thank you,” She answered softly.

“So what has Chelsea said to Sam?” Brian asked, now a little curious as to what the next lie was.

“I’ll tell you that, if you tell me what happened at the beach.”

“No, you first.”


“Fine. Bitch.” He muttered. “I took Sam to the spot that only we know.” He stopped and hesitated before continuing on. “And I told her I was going to ask you to marry me there.”


“I didn’t mean to,” He said with another over dramatic heavy sigh. “It just sort of came out. I think I fucked it up with her Chelle. I really think I did.”

“Did she panic and start hitting you?”


“Start bawling?”


“Run away from you screaming?”


“Then you didn’t screw it up,” Michelle smiled. “Cut yourself some slack.”

“I know, I know. I just really like her.”

“Awhhhh, my Bri-bear is falling in looooooove!” Michelle sang.

A rosy blush graced his cheeks. “Shut up. You have stuff to tell me now.”

“Wow, didn’t miss a beat on that one,” She laughed, way too amused by that. She sighed, “She told me that Chelsea told her that she was going to chase after another boy and that she wanted Sam to, and I quote, ‘keep you occupied’ until she got back.”

“That stupid mother –----“

“Don’t get mad at Sam, or me.”

“I’m not,” He said. He threw his head back and looked up at the ceiling, still holding the phone against his ear. “What was it that I ever saw in that woman?”

Michelle scoffed. “Great sex.”

He shot up, sitting up straight once more. “You know what, she wasn’t nearly as good as you.”

“Uh, okay?”

“It’s the truth babe.”

“Brian, remember what we just talked about a few minutes ago?”

“Not thinking with my huge monster dick.”

“You’re so full of yourself.”

“You love it.”

“Brian. We’re focusing on Sam, remember.”

“Chelle, I’m always thinking of her. It’s like something always reminds me of her.”

She smiled. “That’s a good thing Brian,” She said sweetly. “A very good thing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Mostly dialog, but I think ya'll get everything now.
More soon. Promise.