Status: Finished.

Second Chances

Twenty Four

Val took her sweet time driving back to Jimmy’s house, making Sam wonder what else these two had in store for her.

When they finally arrived, Sam noticed a black Audi with tinted windows and bright shiny rims sitting inJimmy’s her driveway next to Jimmy’s Range Rover. A huge pink bow was tied on top of it, which made her want to jump out of the car and run for it.

As soon as Val put it in park, Sam ran out and stared at the pricey vehicle in her driveway.

The front door opened and out came Brian, Leana, Michelle, and Jimmy, all with huge smiles on their faces.

Brian was the first to come close to Sam, holding out a little black box with a pink bow identical to the one of top of the car. She took hold of it and took the pink bow off, sticking it on top of her head.

Brian chuckled. “I figured you would do that.”

“I’d take the bow off the car and wrap it around myself too if I could,” She retorted, flashing her eyes up and him before going back to work on opening the box.

“Oh my god,” She gasped, looking down inside of the box and seeing a set of keys with a little deathbat charm attached to it. “This is mine?”

Brian nodded, before scratching the back of his neck. “I’ve got something else to ask you too…”

“DO YOU LIKE IT!?” Jimmy squealed, picking up Sam around her waist and spinning her around in a small circle.

“Yes Jimbo, I love it!” She giggled, pecking his cheek. “Thank you so much.”

He set her back down on the ground, putting his hands on her shoulders and looking her straight in the eye. “Now you and Leana can’t steal mine to go on your crazy shopping trips, got it?”

“I gots it.”

“Good, now go make goo-goo eyes and Brian, he picked it out for you,” Jimmy said, patting her on the back. Sam was about to pick back up where they left off, but instead she was stolen by Michelle, Lacey, and Leana and dragged in to the house where they were to get ready for tonight.

Sam made an ‘I’m-sorry’ face as she turned to look back at Brian who looked heartbroken. She figured once the girls left her alone for a second she would text him.

And that’s just what she did.

As the girls were busy curling her dark hair, Sam asked for her phone and quickly sent a message to Brian. They were all talking about how tonight was going to go, but Sam wasn’t really paying attention. She was sort of zoned out, anxiously awaiting Brian’s reply.

Her phone buzzed in her lap and she smiled down at it, pressing a button and lighting up the screen.

Briannnn!: don’t worry about it Sammi. I was just going to ask if I could buy you your first drink tonight. :)

Somehow, she wasn’t really sure that was the real case. Yet still she went along with it.

Of course you can!

It buzzed again and she was about to go answer it, but Michelle pulled her away from the “hair station” and in to the bathroom where the “makeup station” was set up and began to work on her.


Two hours later, the whole party was ready to go and had somehow managed to pile in to the fifteen passenger van that the band had kept, just in case of emergencies. Plus, it was something they liked to have just for the memories.

Lacey volunteered to be the designated driver, fully aware that she was going to have to put up with Johnny’s drunken antics when they came home, but tonight, she was okay with that.

Before they had even left, Matt had announced that they were going to several bars tonight in honor of Sam’s birthday.

This news made her groaned.

Brian chuckled beside her and snuck his arm around her waist, pulling her in to his side on the back bench. She looked up at him, expecting him to be smiling, but instead he was frowning slightly.

“What’s wrong? You’re supposed to be happy.” She said. “I’m in a fucking dress for Christ sake!” She said, gesturing towards the purple colored fabric that hugged her body tightly.

“I know,” He said eyeing her up, biting his lower lip. “And it’s going to take all of my will power not to want to rip that damn thing off of you tonight and just ravage your body,” He said in a low tone.

She leaned over to his ear, her breath hot on his cheek. “Who said I was going to stop you?”

“Damnit woman.”

She smirked contently to herself before putting the distance between them again, however his hand still remained around her waist.

They pulled up to their first stop, a little bar on Pacific Coast Highway, full of bikers and drunken locals. Perfect.

Brian and Sam were the last to exit the van as everyone else went inside. She was about to follow too, but he stopped her and held her back.

“Look Sam, I know this is going to be cliché as all hell,” He started out, avoiding all eye contact with her. “Since it’s your birthday and all.”

“Brian,” She said softly. “Spit it out.”

He smiled, knowing that’s just what he needed to hear.

“I want you to be my girlfriend Samantha.”

As qucikly and as loudly as those thoughts of ‘You-shouldn’t-do-this’ or ‘You-aren’t-ready-yet’ or even ‘Are-you-out-of-your-fucking-mind?!’ should have been screaming at her, they weren’t. Either the rational side of her brain was not functioning properly, or she was really ready for this.

Obviously she had been taking too long with her reply, because now he was shifting his weight around nervously, trying to think of a quick recovery plan if he needed one.

“Yes,” She said, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug. “And as lame and cliché as it sounds, this is the best present I’ve gotten so far.”
♠ ♠ ♠
As short as this may have been, I needed to post it.
It was killing me not to. :]

Sam's Outfit

Now off to watch Castle. Yeah, I do watch that show.
And CSI till three in the morning. Hahaha.