Status: Finished.

Second Chances

Twenty Six

Luckily, Sam had gotten the nice cop, who didn’t push her to sit so she could make her one phone call. Hurriedly, she dialed the number to Lacey’s cell phone knowing that she was the only one sober and who could function properly.

“Lace, I need…” She looked over at the cop at his desk who held up five fingers. “I need five hundred dollars. There’s a box in my closet with four grand in it. When Brian calls, take how ever much he needs too. Hurry up Lace; me being drunk and in a cell will not end up well.”

She hung up and looked at the cop with an innocent, helpless, good girl sort of look. Even in her drunken stat, Sam knew how to act.

“Little Miss, are you alright?” He asked, looking a bit unsure of the situation.

Sam picked her head up and blinked. “Yeah, I just hate small spaces,” She responded with a clear, sober sounding voice. Mentally she was patting herself on the back for her great acting.

“Well Miss, I can’t let you stay out here, but I’ll let you go sit there with you friend after he makes his phone call,” The cop explained, gesturing towards the cell that Brian was sitting in. Sam nodded and followed the cop back to her holding cell while Brian made his phone call.

A few minutes later, Sam was joined in her cell with her boyfriend and warned by the officers that if they tried anything, they would be separated again.

“Don’t worry, I’m too drunk to even use my love stick properly tonight,” He said with a lazy smile.

Just as quiet as it was between them, Sam started giggling like a little school girl. “Oh Brian,” She laughed, ruffling his hair and earning a grunt in response.

They calmed down again, enjoying each other’s company and waiting impatiently for Lacey and the crew to arrive with their bail money.

By now, a few hours had passed and the two of them were quickly sobering up, due to a stench of other inmates still in their holding cells and new criminals bring brought in that smelled like cheap liquor and weed.

A heavy sigh blew past Brian’s lips as he combed his fingers through his dark, spiked locks. “This is not how I pictured our first date,” He admitted, leaning his head back against the cold concrete wall.

Sam scooted closer to him on the bench, resting her head on his shoulder, being extremely careful not to display too much affection or else the officers would go all ape shit on them.

“I’m sorry,” He mumbled, brushing his hand against hers.

“I know you are.”

“No, really Sam. I’m sorry.

“Brian, I know.”

“I should’ve just kept my mouth shut. All I tried to do was get you out of that damn squad car,” He grumbled, shaking his head in annoyance of what he had done to end up in jail. “Then you wouldn’t be here because I could come get you out.”

She picked her head up. “I know I’m intoxicated Bri, but so are you. Lacey wouldn’t let you drive even if I was running away.”

“Yes, she would have,” he argued. “If she knew how much I ----“

Sam raised her brow at this statement. “If she knew how much you what?”

“Nah, babe, let’s just focus on getting out of here.”

“Right, because sending them telepathic messages will get us out of here faster,” Sam said in a sarcastic tone.

“You never know,” He said with that cocky, egotistical grin of his.

Sam sighed. “As weird as this is going to sound, I’m kinda happy you’re here with me,” She said, resting her head back on his shoulder.

“You’re not mad at me, are you?” He asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

“Right now, no. I’d be losing my fucking mind if you weren’t here right now.”

He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, smiling over at her. She glanced down at their intertwined fingers and felt her heart swell inside her chest. Maybe it was the amount of alcohol she had consumed, or the warmth of Brian’s body right beside her.

Either way, Sam had closed her eyes and fell asleep.

“Samantha Sullivan,” One of the officers said, walking up to the cell they were held in.

Brian heard her name being called, but she didn’t. He shook her gently, earning a groan from her as she buried her face in to his side, mumbling something in the process.

“Sam, get up. They’re going to see,” He whispered.

Groggily, she picked her head up just as the officer stepped up to the door.

“Samantha Sullivan, your ride is waiting for you in the front,” He informed.

After a little power nap, Sam was more sober than before. So naturally, her brain was functioning a bit more than previously when she had first walked in to the station.

“What about Brian?”

“He’s been requested to meet with the head of our department.”

Brian nodded his head, still a little under the influence.

She looked at the officer with a confused face. “But he should be free to go too. Unless…”

“No Miss, he’s been bailed out as well, but he’s been requested to meet with the head of our department. That’s all I can tell you, I’m sorry,” He said again, unlocking the door and letting them both out.

Another officer joined them and escorted Sam out to the front while the other who kept telling her that he was going to meet with the head cop took Brian down another hall way.

“Oh god, you look like shit,” Lacey said, stifling her laughter.

“Shut up stupid bitch,” Sam muttered, shielding her eyes from the bright lights with her hand.

“Well, you ready to go?” Lacey asked, pulling her purse up over her shoulder.

Sam shook her head. “I’m not going till Brian comes with.”

Lacey tensed up, stopping all of her movements. “Michelle’s with him,” She said, watching Sam carefully to see how she would react.

“Is she…”

“Sam, let’s just go,” Lacey said, ushering Sam out the door of the police department, but of course, not without some resistance from her.

Meanwhile, Brian was sobering up quickly, trying to ignore the massive headache he had forming in his head. Michelle was sitting by his side, providing as much comfort as she could. She even brought him his aviators to block out some of the light.

A man in a suit sat across the table from them; reviewing the document he had been presented.

“Mr. Haner, if you would just sign here, I will send a copy to Ms. Russo’s attorney and this will be all settled,” He said, sliding the document over to him along with a cold, silver metal ball point pen.

He took the pen in his hand and quickly scribbled his signature on the line marked with a red X.

Certification of Protection/Restraining Order

It is hereby certified that the attached is a true and correct copy of the order entered in the above-captioned action on September 30, 2007 (date) and that the original of the attached order was duly executed by the judicial authority whose signature appears thereon. The order expires on January 1, 2012 (date).

The order is:[ X ] a civil protection/restraining order OR [ ] a criminal protection/restraining order.

It is further certified that:

(a) the issuing court determined that it had jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter under the laws of California.

(b) the defendant was given reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard sufficient to protect the defendant's right to due process before this order was issued; or if the order was issued ex-parte, the court ordered that the defendant be given reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard within the time required by the law of this jurisdiction, and in any event within a reasonable time after the order was issued, sufficient to protect the defendant's due process rights.

(c) the order was otherwise issued in accord with the requirements of the Full Faith and Credit Provisions of the Violence Against Women Act; Title IV, Subtitle B, Chapter 2 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. 18 U.S.C. 2265.

The attached order shall be presumed to be valid and enforceable in this and other jurisdictions.
♠ ♠ ♠
Told you shit would go down.
And yes, Chelsea is officially out of the picture now.