Status: Finished.

Second Chances

Twenty Nine

A week dirty sex and spending the night at each other’s places, Sam and Brian couldn’t have been more happy together. Even the rest of the girls and guys were glad to see Brian and Sam together; Michelle included. She was absolutely ecstatic about them.

Her and Sam had also bonded over the past days when Brian wasn’t trying to keep her in bed. Sam had learned so much about living life and just enjoying it with the people she loved.

Finally, she felt at home again.

While the boys had left for a quick day trip to Arizona, Sam was left at home with Leana. The two shared a tub of ice cream and watched a couple chick flicks, staying as far away from the nail polish and makeup as possible. The last time they decided to give each other makeovers, it ended in a huge mess with blush all over the bathroom walls and glitter spilled on the counters.

“I’m gonna go check the mail,” Leana said, getting up off of the couch as the ending credits to a movie on Lifetime played on the screen.

Sam nodded, and reached for the remote to change the channel while Leana walked outside.

She was flipping through the TV guide on the screen when Leana tossed a pretty thick letter at her, landing it in her lap.

“Owch, what the hell?” She said, looking at the thick envelope Leana threw.

She shrugged, “It has your name on it. Since you live here now.”

Sam glanced down at the envelope again and saw a seal on the front side in the right hand bottom corner of it. There was only one thing that was stamped like that.

“Oh my god,” She gasped quietly, staring at it in her hands in disbelief.

“What is it?” Leana asked, having no background information about Sam’s life before hand. Sam just waved her hand and dismissed it, staring at the envelope again.

She flipped it over and quickly tore open the paper, pulling out its contents on to her lap.

Dear Ms. Sullivan,

As the daughter of Sergeant Nathan Arthur Sullivan, we send our condolences. Many have lost their lives in battle and your father fought hard for his country.

The United States Military is inviting you to a special ceremony on November 11th to honor our fallen soldiers as this nation grieves for those lost. It will be held at Arlington National Cemetery and each family will receive and United States flag presented by their loved ones service guards.

We ask that you please R.S.V.P. by November 2nd.


The United States Military Service

Sam stared at the paper in her hands, not really sure of what she should do. When Leana noticed that she didn’t move, she read the letter over herself.

“Sam,” Leana spoke softly.

Pressure built up behind her eyelids as she closed them tightly, gripping on to the paper with her fingers. She swallowed hard, trying to force her tears back down.

“I-I need to c-call,” Sam choked out, removing herself from the couch and going upstairs, leaving the letter behind on the couch with Leana.

She shut her door, taking her phone off of the charger and dialing a number she hadn’t called in years.


“Madeline,” Sam cried, pulling down her sleeves of her hoodie to wipe her eyes dry. “Mads, they sent a letter to me…… about Dad.”



“Who sent a letter?”

“The Army.”

In the background, Sam could hear Madeline’s husband Shaant saying something to her, but Sam could barely make out what he was saying. She was too focused on letting the tears pour out of her eyes to concentrate on much else.

“Hey Sam, I have to call you back, alright?”

And with that, the phone went dead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Homecoming was amazing!
That is my reason for such a delay in updates.