Status: Finished.

Second Chances


Time seemed to pass by rather quickly, seeing as how Sam now found herself sitting on a plane in between Jimmy and Brian, with Johnny, Lacey, Matt, Val, Michelle, Zacky, Gena, and Leana all behind them on their way to Washington D.C.

Sam had said that she only wanted to stay for the service and then fly back; she really did not want to stay for a day after, knowing that she was more than likely going to cry until she had no more tears.

The whole flight, Sam was very quiet, something that everyone was expecting her to do. They knew that right now would be the hardest moment of Sam’s life since she had come out to California to start over. But here she was, coming back to it all.

“Welcome to Washington D.C.” The pilot announced. “Enjoy your stay here and thank you for flying with us.”

The whole plane became restless, putting away cell phones, taking out iPods, eager to get off the damn thing already.

“Hey Jimmy,” Sam whispered quietly. He looked at her to see what she wanted.

Fidgeting with her thumbs, she looked up at her cousin with sadness in her eyes. “C-Can we make a stop in South Carolina?” She asked cautiously, gauging his reaction.

“Why would you want to go there?” He asked, not really understanding what she was asking.

Sam looked down at her hands. “I want to say goodbye to my mother,” She said quietly.

His posture shifted, now understanding her request.

She wasn’t planning on coming back to the East coast.

“All of us?” He asked.

“Just me, you and Brian.”


As most of the group got off to go find the rental car booth, Jimmy and Sam ran to the ticket booth, changing their flight from going back to California to South Carolina. Jimmy reminded her that she needed to tell Brian about this, so he wouldn’t go home and leave them stranded.

After the fighting over who would drive to the cemetery, the entourage piled in to the three cars they had rented and headed off for Arlington.

“Wow,” Sam gasped, amazed at the mere size of it. Brian reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, reassuring her that everything was going to be alright. They parked in the visitor’s lot and followed the crowd of people that they assumed were all going to the ceremony as well.

Navy Seals, Special Forces, Air Force, Marines, you name it, their families were probably there.

Not a single person had a dry spot left of their cheek as each of the families were presented with the nation’s red, white, and blue flag, neatly folded and given by their loved ones service officers. Brian went up with Sam to get hers, seeing as how Madeline refused to come down from New York for this day. She said she had better things to do than dwell on her father’s death.

Which she was right.

As the ceremony came to a close, the other people gathered there went off to visit their loved ones headstones. Michelle asked if Sam was going to see her father’s, but she didn’t answer.

Then, just as quickly as the entourage had entered Washington D.C., they were leaving. However, one good thing did come from all of this. Matt had become inspired to write a song for the nation’s war heroes as sort of a ballad, or tribute to them.

“Where are you guys going?” Johnny asked, noticing how Brian, Sam, and Jimmy were all walking towards a different gate.

“We’ll meet you back in Cali!” Brian shouted, waving his hand at them all.


“Sam, are you sure you want to do this?” Jimmy asked, still sitting in the parked car.

She nodded. “I have to Jimmy. It’s time I move on.”

He sighed, unlocking the doors and getting out. Brian grabbed the flowers they had bought at the gift shop in the airport and carried them with him in one hand, holding Sam’s hand in the other.

Sam smiled, seeing the familiar grey chiseled headstone with a dove on top of it, right next to the one with a star on top of it. She stopped in front of them, feeling her insides swell up.

Dropping Brian’s hand to wipe her eyes dry, she couldn’t find the right words to say, though she knew she wanted to say something.

“I brought Jimmy and Brian with me,” She whispered faintly. “You remember them, don’t you?”

Jimmy took a step forward and put an arm around Sam’s shoulder, letting her know that everything was going to be alright.

“I moved out to California,” She explained. “Jimmy’s letting me live with him. It’s really warm out there. You would like it Mom.”

“And, I met a boy,” Sam smiled. “Please don’t go hurting him Daddy. You’ve already met him. I don’t need you trying to kill him in your afterlife.”

She sniffled, still feeling the warm tears stream down her cheeks. “I’m not coming back,” Sam said sadly. “I’m going to miss both of you, but I can’t come back here. I need to start over out there.”

Sam kissed her palms, placing them on both the dove and star.

“I love you.”

She broke away from Jimmy and Brian, walking away with her head hanging low. Jimmy mumbled something about going after her, while Brian stood there, staring down at the two head stones.

He bent down and laid the flowers between the two of them.

“I really love her. I’m sure you’ve been watching us from up there, but I still want to ask. Would it be alright if I asked for you blessing to marry your daughter?”

First it was silent, but then a small white bird came and flew over, landing on top of the star. Brian smiled down at the creature, feeling a warm breeze swirl around his body.

He was going to give Sam her second chance.
♠ ♠ ♠
The End.

I would like to thank each and every one of you, because really, you guys are what made this story happen. Your support is what keeps me here on this lovely site. So thank you, really.

I love all of you! :D

There will be another Brian story, I can feel it. It's almost impossible for me not to write about him! but until then, I am going to focus on my other works.

Jealous Eyes
Teenage Dream

and if you just want to read something cute,

Vegas Skies
Love Isn't Enough Anymore

Until then, thank you for being awesome.
