Status: Finished.

Second Chances


“Sam,” Jimmy mumbled, shaking her gently. She rolled over and squinted her eyes at him.

“You’re going shopping today,” He explained, “You need some girl time.”
“When?” She asked hoarsely, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

He shrugged, “An hour maybe?”

Sam groaned and rolled back over, taking the covers with her. Jimmy pulled back and forced her to wake up.

“No, get up now. Me and Leanna are going out to buy food. I won’t be here and you’ll probably go back to sleep.”

She threw the covers off and shot up, “One, I probably will go back to sleep, you know me to well,” She said pointing and accusing finger at him, “And two, Leanna?”

He grinned a devilish grin.

“Am I going to meet this mysterious Leanna?” She asked, raising her brow at him.

“Maybe,” He replied before walking out of the room.

Sam jumped out of bed and chased him out the door, “When were you planning on telling me about your girlfriend? Did you think I wouldn’t find out!? JAMES OWEN SULLIVAN DON’T YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME!” She shouted down the hallway with her hands on her hips as Jimmy just kept walking down the steps.

A dark haired boy now stood at the top of the stairs.

“I thought I heard you screaming up here,” He chuckled.

“Zachary!” She squealed, running up to him with open arms. He caught her and spun her in a small circle.

He chuckled, setting her back down on her feet and ruffling her hair. She scrunched her face up in disapproval, straightening her hair back to where it was supposed to be.

His eyes traveled up and down her body trying to match up the images of when he last saw her to now. “You look great,” He said.

“Thanks,” She smiled sheepishly.
“You’re out of high school and are almost twenty one,” He grinned, “I feel like a proud father now.”

She rolled her eyes, “Right, because you and Jimmy were such great influences when I was growing up.”

“Hey! You know we were!”
“Mhmm, sure.”

“Well are you ready to go shopping?” Zacky asked, still eyeing her up and down.
You’re taking me on my ‘girly’ shopping trip that Jimmy is insisting I go on?” She asked with her eyes nearly bulging out of her head at the surprise that he was taking her.

“It’s for your own good,” Zacky added.

An idea then sparked in Sam’s head, “Zacky,” She sang in an innocent voice. He looked up at her.

“Can we go get manicures and pedicures?” She asked, batting her eyelashes and trying her damndest to look as cute and adorable as she could.

He sighed, “If we must.”
“We must!”

“Then go get dressed and we can go get manicures and pedicures.” She nodded and headed into her room to change while Zacky went downstairs to confront Jimmy.

“You are so going to fucking pay for this,” Zacky huffed.
“Why?” Jimmy chuckled, “What is she making you do?”

“Manicures and pedicures,” He grumbled, wincing at the thought of it.

“ZACHARY! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE SO WE CAN LEAVE!” Sam shouted, standing by the front door.

“Just keep her out of the house for a couple hours,” Jimmy instructed, “And honestly, she probably won’t even get her nails done. She’s not that much of a girl.”

“Let’s hope so,” Zacky said before pulling her keys out of his pocket and heading out with Sam.

The two of them returned home later that evening with an entire car full of shopping bags containing everything from underwear to jeans to shoes to junk food. Luckily, no manicures or pedicures were involved in today’s plans.

“Thanks Zacky,” Sam said leaning over the center counsel to kiss his cheek.
“You’re welcome,” He smiled, taking the keys out of the ignition.

“James Owen Sullivan!?” She shouted once she got inside the house. The sound of a door shutting and a person hushing some more people filled the air before Jimmy appeared at the top of the steps.

“Have fun?” He asked. Sam nodded.

“Good,” He titled his head and Zacky moved past them and went into the kitchen.

“Okay,” Sam said a little unsure of the situation, “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” He replied, “But why don’t we go upstairs?”

Hesitantly, she followed him up the steps and down the hall. When he opened the door, Sam almost cried.

“Oh Jimmy,” She cried.
“You’re staying with me whether you like it or not,” He said, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and giving her a huge hug.

“I love it,” She smiled, admiring the purple walls and the zebra print bed spread. Black and white posters hung on the walls and sheer white curtains hung over the windows.

“Leanna and Brian helped,” Jimmy said, “But I have another surprise for you.”


He nodded and lead her back downstairs to the kitchen where a banner that said ‘Welcome home Sam!’ hung over the cabinets. Brian, Zacky, Johnny, Matt, Val, Gena, Megan, and the infamous Leanna that Jimmy had yet to introduce to Sam, were all standing in the kitchen.

“Awhh, thank you guys!” Sam smiled, making her way around the room to hug every one of them.

“You’re part of the Avenged family now,” Matt said before letting go of her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought this part sucked. But, I am not gonna rewrite it.
Nightmare is amazing if you haven't listened already. :]
Jimmy would be proud.