Status: Finished.

Second Chances


Sam woke up the next morning with a throbbing pain in her head on the cold tile floor of her bathroom. Her palm pressed against her forehead as she sat up on the floor.

Without opening her eyes too much, she looked around the room for a bottle of Advil. She found it, but it was up on top of the counter. Slowly, she gripped at the edge of the counter and pulled herself up, getting a little dizzy as she stood. She popped the cap off the bottle and took two of them out, popping them in her mouth and swallowing them dry.

Still holding on to the counter, she turned around, but almost fell back down when she saw Brian curled up in her bathtub. She smiled and twisted back around; taking two more pills out of the bottle figuring that he would soon need them too.

She tip-toed her way over to him and shook his shoulder gently, “Brian?”

“Five more minutes,” He groaned, taking the pillow from behind his head and pulling it over his face.

“Brian,” She whispered hoarsely, “You’re gonna need these,” She said holding out her hand with the pills in them.

“No I won’t,” He said sleepily, “I didn’t drink much.”

“Then why are you in my bathtub?”
“You said you didn’t want to throw up alone, so I offered to stay in here with you,” He explained, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and looking at her all bright eyed and bushy tailed.

“Thanks,” She said with a half smile, “I owe you.”

“Nawh, you don’t have to.”

Just as she was about to protest, she felt her legs get weak and she knew she was going to fall back to the floor. He took notice and moved a little in the tub.

“If you’re gonna fall, fall on me and not the floor.”

She nodded and took a tumble right in to his open arms.

“Thanks,” She blushed, picking herself up a bit after falling.
“Always here Sammy,” He smiled, pushing the hair back behind her ear.

A silence fell between them, but it wasn’t awkward. His eyes connected with hers and there was a moment where everything that needed to be said was being said. Without hesitating, he leaned in towards her……

Sam shot up from the floor and held on tightly to the sides of the toilet bowl as her stomach emptied all of its contents into the water. Of course her body would decide now would be the best time just as her dream was reaching the best part.

Once her stomach had finished it’s business, she reached up and flushed the handle, rocking back on her butt and just sitting on the floor, bringing her knees up to her chest.

With her eyes open she looked around the room and saw that Brian was in fact sleeping in her bathtub.

Maybe this wasn’t a dream afterall…

“Morning,” Leanna greeted, stumbling into Sam’s bathroom in search for the bottle of Advil. She popped the cap off and took to pills out, “Want some?”

Sam nodded eagerly as Leanna spilled a few more into the palm of her hand, “Give these to Bri when he wakes up, he’s gonna need them.”

She nodded once more and took the pills from her, “Thanks,” She swallowed two and held on to the others for Brian. Leanna put the bottle back on the counter and was just about to walk out when Sam called out her name.

“What happened last night?”

She smiled, “Do you want the short or the long version?”

“Both please?”

“Well,” Leanna sighed, “The short version is that you got totally shitfaced and were driving the porcelain bus all night while Brian slept in the tub to watch over you because everyone else was downstairs.”

“The long version is that you and him,” She said pointing to Brian, “Did sixteen rounds of tequila shots and then paraded around upstairs in matching Batman cape’s from Jimmy’s closet and then took those off and threw them down the stairs before you guys crashed on your bed. Megan came up here to check on you and that’s when you ran into the bathroom and Brian came running in behind you to make sure that you were alright.”

She nodded, attempting to process what Leanna had just told her.

“But honestly, I think that boy has a little crush on you,” She smirked, leaving the room and leaving Sam to question why she had said that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Because honestly, it didn't make sense if I kept her at 17. So now, she's 20.

Sorry for the long wait. I hope to update this more often.