Status: Finished.

Second Chances


Sam sat there on the bathroom floor, confused as all hell about what Leanna said.

She didn’t get it. Sure Sam may have had a small crush on Brian back in high school, but was that the same type of thing Leanna was talking about? Sam had clearly moved on from her silly little crush because at the time, it seemed like a possibility, but now, now he was twenty eight and she was twenty.

That’s an eight year difference people!

And besides, with the way Sam’s life was heading right now, the last thing she needed on her mind was a boy.

With that being said, the boy that she was currently tossing around in her brain groaned from the tub. She shook her head and snapped back into reality, sliding across the floor and poking at his shoulder.

“Brian, wake up,” She whispered. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at her through the tiny slits, groaning once more.

“Here,” She urged, taking his hand from the tub and placing the two pills in it. He sat up a bit and swallowed them dry, letting his arm fall over the side of the tub and smashing his face into the back wall.

With all the energy she had left in her body, she pushed herself up off the floor and stumbled out into her room, leaving the bathroom door open just in case.

She fell face first into the bed with the soft welcome of her zebra sheets. A smile spread across her cheeks as she closed her eyes and let her body relax.

Clearly, relaxing wasn’t an option in this house.

“Get up!” Jimmy shouted from the door way to her room.

Sam groaned, “Shut up you stupid fuck.”

“HEY! LANGUAGE!” She scolded.

She raised her right arm and flashed a finger at him.


“Jimmy,” She pleaded, “Not now.”

He clamed down and walked over to the edge of her bed, sitting down on it and placing a comforting hand on her back, “Too many tequila shots?”

She nodded.

“You’ll get better at it,” He reassured.
“Thanks Jimbo.”

“We’re all gonna go down to the beach for a bit. It’s a great cure for a hangover.”

“Thanks, but I think I’m just gonna lay here for a few days.”
Days?” He repeated with widened eyes.

“With the way my body feels right now, yes,” She said pulling the comforter up a bit and bunching it up, resting her face back down on it.

Jimmy sighed, “Alright, no more partying though, ya hear?”

“I hear,” She chuckled.

“What time is it?” An obviously hung over Brian asked, holding on to the door frame of the bathroom for support as he stood upright.

Jimmy furrowed his brow together, “Why were you in Sammy’s bathroom?”

She hit Jimmy’s shoulder, “Ask Leanna to explain.”

He looked at both of them confused and just shrugged it off. “We’re going to the beach,” Jimmy said, getting up from the bed and turning to Brian, “You coming?”

Brian looked at him with heavy eyes, “I don’t think so…”

“You can stay here with me,” Sam offered, not moving her head from where she had last put it on the bed, “There’s enough room and plenty of drugs and water.”

“You sure?” Brian checked. Honestly, Sam didn’t think he’d make it to the beach.

“The bathroom is right there and I’m sure one of us will end up in there in the next fifteen minutes after all the tequila shots we did.”

Brian chuckled, but quickly stopped and pressed his palm to his forehead.

“You kids behave yourselves,” Jimmy said and then pointed at Brian, “You! No raiding my little cousins panty drawer!”

Brian looked at him like he was crazy, “When the hell have I ever done that?”

“Never, but still.”

“Go Jimmy, you’re friends are gonna leave with out you,” Sam said. He opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it and ran out the door, closing quietly behind him.

Sam rolled over on her back on her bed and moved over, patting at the empty space next to her, “Come on, I’ve got On Demand.”

“That’s an offer I’ve never heard from a woman before,” He smiled, slowly making his way over to her bed and crawling in.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm on a roll tonight.
Fourth story I've updated!