Status: Finished.

Second Chances


“Whatdya wanna watch?” She asked, scrolling through the movie titles on the screen.

“No horror,” He said, “We don’t need to be screaming.”
“Good idea. How bout something funny?”

“Okay,” He yawned, taking one of her many pillows and snuggling up to it.

“27 Dresses?”
“Sure,” He mumbled with sleep filled eyes.

Before she knew it, Sam was feeling a bit tired herself. She pulled up the comforter and laid down on her side, facing away from Brian, pulling it over her shoulders and him. With Katherine Heigl talking about how many weddings she’s been to, Sam drifted off to sleep.

Something both her and Brian needed after doing sixteen rounds of tequila shots.

When Sam woke up hours later, her head hurt less, but now she was starving. She moved to get up and make something, but was pulled back by a pair of arms tightening around her waist.

“Stop moving,” He mumbled still half asleep.

She tried again but his grip only got stronger.

“Let go!”
“I don’t wanna,” He whined.
“Brian,” She said more forcefully, “Let go. I’m going to make red bull slushies.”

“So will you let go now?” She asked again and he released her.

She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and walked over to her door, stopping and looking back at the man sleeping her in bed.

She felt a swirl of butterflies in her stomach and shook her head. It was only the words that Leanna had said that were making her think like that. It wasn’t real.

Sam made her way downstairs and took out the blender. She opened the fridge and grabbed three cans of red bull that thankfully Jimmy had gone out and bought the day before upon her request. She pulled the bag of sugar out of the cabinet above the counter and grabbed handfuls of ice from the freezer, tossing all the ingredients in to the blender and turning it on.

While it was mixing, she took two glasses out of the cabinet above the counter and set them down next to the blender. Once it met her criteria, she turned it off and popped off the cap, pouring it in to the two glasses she had set out.

“Those smell good,” A very tired looking Brian said walking in to the kitchen.

“Drink up,” She said sliding a glass over to him, “It’ll help with the hangover.”

“I think the four hour nap helped too,” He chuckled, taking a drink of the blended drink.

“Well this will wake you up when they get back,” She added, taking a gulp of hers too.

Brian looked over at the clock on the stove, “It’s only one. They won’t be back for at least another three hours.”

“Guess that leaves you and me in this house by ourselves.”
“They’re missing out,” He said with a smile in her direction. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks and she could feel the heat rushing up to them, hoping that he wouldn’t notice.

She yawned and finished off the rest of her drink. He did the same, taking the two glasses and putting them in the sink while she put away the blender and bag of sugar.

“So what do we do now?” He asked, propping himself up on his elbows on the counter.

She shrugged, “I dunno. I have some stuff to unpack since I’m staying here now.”

“Do you like your room?” Brian asked randomly.
“I love it,” She said making her way out of the kitchen and back up the stairs.

“I was kinda hoping you still liked the color purple.”

She stopped, “What do you mean?”

“Back in high school it was your favorite color,” He reminded.

“Right,” She nodded and continued on up the steps.

They sat back in her room, unpacking the few memories she had brought with her from South Carolina. Together they caught up on past events that occurred while she was at school and on the other side of the country.

From time to time, Sam would find a picture and explain what happened then tape it up on to her wall. A few times she felt Brian’s eyes stare at her as she did this.

It kinda made her uncomfortable, but also made her heart beat faster at the same time.

“You know what you need?” Brian spoke up.

‘A boyfriend’ She thought.

“A guitar,” He said picking up a picture of her holding an inflatable pink guitar at her tenth birthday party. “You look like you possess musical talent.” He stood up from the floor and poked at her arms, “See!”

“I haven’t played since you and Zacky smashed mine to pieces!”
“Then it’s time we get a new one,” He declared.
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