Status: Finished.

Second Chances


Brian dragged me to the music store against my will. Please send help… Or actually, never mind. I think I can take him down on my own.
- Sam

“What the hell is that?” Brian snorted, looking at my goodbye note.

“It’s me, saying goodbye, for when you kidnap me,” She explained as a matter of factly.

He took the piece of paper and in his own handwriting scribbled down a few more words.

I did not take her against her will. She went with me. Jimmy, calm the fuck down dude. I’ll protect her from the crazy vampires and werewolves you’ve been talking about.
- Brian

“Werewolves?” She questioned, raising her brow.
Brian shook his head, “He’s been reading Twilight a little too much.”

Sam couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Brian grabbed his keys off the counter and the two of them headed out to his car. She was impressed that he actually had a decent looking car, not some supped up muscle car.

“You can work the radio,” He offered, buckling up and starting the engine. She took it up with him and buckled herself in, reaching for the knob and turning the volume up.

“Afterlife?” She asked after hearing the opening notes of the solo.

Brian had a cheesy grin plastered on his face, “I like listening to myself play.”

She rolled her eyes, “You are so full of yourself.”

“It’s all in my charm baby.”
“Focus on the road stud.”

They arrived at the music store a few minutes later and Sam was already in heaven. She was pretty sure that Brian was jizzing in his pants too with the way he kept staring at old modeled guitars. She ignored his little euphoric state and wandered into the room that only held acoustic guitars.

The last one she had was cherry stained one that she got when she was thirteen. Then Brian and Zacky came over for her eighteenth birthday in South Carolina and decided that since they were rock stars, they were obligated to destroy all piece of musical equipment that they didn’t own. Too bad her mom made them start a fund to buy her a new guitar after that.

She picked up one from the rack and sat down on the floor, putting it in her lap and pressing her fingers against the strings. A wrong sounding chord came out and she quickly changed her fingers to where they were really supposed to be.

Her hands changed positions and soon a song was starting to come from the instrument.

Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman. Maybe he won’t find out what I know. You were the last good thing about this part of town.

“Fall Out Boy?”

Her heart rate sped up when she heard him speak. “Jesus fucking Christ,” She cursed, “You scared me!”

“Sorry,” He apologized, sitting down on the floor next to her. He looked over at the guitar in her lap, “So do you like that one?”

She nodded, “I think so. It’s kind of like my old one.”

He turned around and grabbed another one off the rack, “Try this one.”

She exchanged him with the one she had in her hands and tried out the one he had given her. A smile played on her lips as she heard the sound of this guitar and liked it better.

“That’s the one for you.”
“I want the approval from you though, since you’re the better player and all,” She chuckled, handing him the guitar.

He went in to a simple solo, played a few chords and then finished with a much more difficult riff. He shook his hand out after he was finished, “Suits you. But you have to make me a promise.”

She sighed, “What’s the promise Bri?”

“To practice with us some time.”
“But you all play electric!” She protested.

“Except for one song. You might actually like that one,” He joked.

She slapped him on the shoulder, “You know I love all your stuff!”

“And me?” He asked with puppy dog eyes.
“And you,” She answered not amused by his childish behavior.

“Good,” He smirked, getting up off the floor and extending a hand out for her. She took his hand and he pulled her up. Once she dusted the imaginary dirt off her bottom, they headed over to the register and paid for her new toy.

“This is me repaying the damages for the last one,” Brian said taking out his wallet.

She smiled, “Thanks.”

“Maybe we should get back before Jimmy actually reads our notes,” Brian suggested, slamming the trunk of his car after putting the guitar in it.

She laughed, “Yeah, that might be a good idea.”
♠ ♠ ♠
New Layout. I got bored with the other one.
I kidna like this one better :D

New Hey Monday song is to thank for this chapter. It's really good.