Status: Complete


Chapter Nineteen

‘You’re not emotionless,’ Zacky whispered in return, his eyes glued to mine as if someone had just stitched our gazes together with strawberry laces. Why strawberry laces, I have no idea. I just felt those disgusting butterflies in my stomach, fluttering around manically like they mutant butterflies trying to catch fireflies that burnt my tummy evilly. ‘You’re just scared, I guess. But, we can work on that slowly.’ His smile was tugging on my heart strings like a marionette, his hand reaching up to tuck some hair behind my ear with a hand resting on my cheek lovingly. I flushed a deep crimson, looking down at the floor before realising that I was still lying on top of him.

Quickly, I scrambled from his body and straightened my self out properly. His boxer shorts that were hanging on my hips were starting to slide down, so I pulled them up quickly and tucked a bit of the shirt in to fill out the material a little more. Zacky stood up slowly, running a hand through his hair as he looked around the kitchen nervously. ‘Shall we make some muffins?’ I asked randomly, eyeing a little plastic tub of blueberries on the kitchen counter next to a bowl of fruit. Zacky’s green orbs followed my cool blue gaze, a small smile licking onto his face.

‘My brother’s coming round in half an hour, so you might want to get some clothes on,’ Zacky replied, motioning a hand down to my scantily clad body as I rolled my eyes. ‘Or… you can have my disgusting little brother eyeballing you all day.’ I rolled my eyes, giving him an odd look which was only returned by a menacing grin. Letting out a long breath, I told him to toss me his car keys, which was returned with a disgusted look – boys and their freaking toys! ‘I’ll drive. Come on, and don’t worry about being quiet, Brian sleeps like the dead.’ I giggled, jumping on his back as he wandered out the back door and down to his car.

Flour was being thrown all over the kitchen with blueberries sprouting up like flies on the kitchen counter. ‘No, the sugar goes in the bowl, not on me!’ I screamed jokingly, trying to brushing the sugar from down my top as Zacky laughed. ‘Just mix it all up while I grab the baking tray.’ As bent down to grab the tray from a cupboard beside the cooker, someone slapped my butt and caused me to wheel around with a glare. Zacky was smirked, blowing his hand as if it were the barrel of a gun as he winked in my direction. Shaking my head, I got one with putting the cake cases into the dips of the trays and trying to ignore the stinging in my ass.

‘You’ve got some on your nose,’ Zacky exclaimed, wiping some of the gooey mixture on my nose with the wooden spoon. I dipped a finger into the bowl and dabbed some on his cheek with a stupid smile on my face. Shaking his head, Zacky dribbled some onto my neck and what cleavage was exposed. ‘I win!’ he yelled, doing a little victory dance as I took the spoon from his hand and wiped some over his forehead. Zacky grinned, taking the spoon from my hand and dumping it in the empty bowl as he wrapped his arms around my waist as I tried to back away. ‘Don’t fight it.’ The whisper sent a shiver down my spine, his hands pulling my closer to him as he lowered his head.

Warm stickiness licked up the mixture on my neck, causing me to whimper and allow him to pull me closer so our hips knocked together. My brain seemed to shut off completely as my eyes closed, just enjoying the sensations that filled my body. The doorbell rang loudly, causing us both to jump and blush. ‘I-I’ll just put these in the oven. You go answer the door,’ I stammered, pulling away and grabbing the baking tray as Zacky disappeared with his hand pinching the skin at the back of his neck. The oven door slammed shut with a clunk, the mess around me suddenly seeming like a whole ocean of flour and blueberries and… gunk!

‘Erm, Keeley, this is my little brother Matt.’ A boy around Molly’s age stood in the doorway next to Zacky. They shared the same green orbs and black hair, but Matt’s was longer and swooping over his face in a skater-guy’s fashion. He smiled in my direction, waving with his thick fingers in my direction as I waved in return. ‘Matt, this is my, um, good friend Keeley. We were just baking muffins; that’s why we’re both covered in cake mix,’ Zacky explained with a slight tinge of pink to his cheeks as he looked over to me. Matt was eyeing us both with scrutinizing emerald eyes, probably not believing we were concentrating on the muffins.

There was an awkward silence in the room, everyone waiting for someone to say something that would tear the quiet apart. That was when Icky began to bark and yap, scratching at my leg for attention which caused me to laugh and pick him up. Telling the boys I was going to get cleaned up, I began to walk away when someone called me back. ‘Keeley,’ Matt said, trying not to laugh as he pointed to his neck. ‘You have something red here.’ My cheeks heated up like volcanoes as I stammered something incoherent to even myself before rushing off to the bathroom.

He gave me a hickey. A fucking hickey! How could I have allowed him to do that? Stupid, Keeley. Stupid, stupid, stupid Keeley! I stared at the red mark starting to grow on the flesh of my neck, waiting for it to disappear and be gone forever so I will never have to put up with the teasing when I get back to the house. Oh, who am I kidding, that fucker’s gonna be there for some time and Molly won’t believe me when I tell her that it’s nothing. ‘Shit, shit, shit!’ I hissed, washing my hands under the tap and grabbing a flannel to wipe away the mess on my chest. ‘We’re in trouble here, Icky.’ The dog looked up at me, eyeing me curiously.

I picked him up and cradled him in my arms, bouncing around until he scrambled up my chest to my nose and began to lick away what mixture I missed in the midst of m fear over the bite mark on my neck. ‘Easy tiger,’ I laughed, putting the little ball of fluff down on the floor as I grabbed the damp flannel and wiped my nose too. ‘Come on; let’s go make sure those muffins aren’t burning, eh?’ Icky yapped loudly, making me giggle as I pushed my hair in front of my shoulders so no one saw the mark when I went back downstairs. Cautiously, I gripped to the banister and wobbled down the staircase slowly until Icky tripped me up and caused me to fly down the last two steps.

This is gonna hurt.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I wanna thank all of my lovely commenters who've been there from the beginning because I haven't acknowledged you all so, a huge thank you to...

Zackylicious, MusicMadness, TalkNerdyToMe, EyesDeadSetToKill, Delightful Syn, Synfulvengeance and Carly13666

Keeley's Clothes, HeHe