The Fairy of Estonia


*Kerli’s Point of View*

“Welcome to the tea party! Wanna be my V.I.P.? Didn’t R.S.V.P. That’s okay, that’s okay.” I began to sing for the camera. Well, we were now filming the music video for “Tea Party” so my singing would be replaced by playback. I kept on singing with my two dancers, now dressed as maids, dancing on either side of me. “Tip me over and pour me out-out…” I stopped sing when I saw them. And by them, I mean Tokio Hotel. Of course, I was still a little upset from earlier but that was soon forgot when I smiled.

“And cut,” Justin shouted. “And we will take five.”

“Andrea,” I yelled at her as I tried to run with the white high heels I was wearing.

She turned around. Holding up her index finger, she motioned for me to stay quiet for a second. I began to play with my fingers while I waited.

“Alright, thanks, bye.” She pressed the button on her Bluetooth. “Okay, now you may talk.” I took a deep breath in but before I could say anything, Andrea spoke. “Oh wait, we’ve got to go to Hot Topic next week for a live performance of ‘Tea Party’…and now you may talk.” She smiled.

“What are they doing here? I thought you said that instead of meeting them, I would be here filming ‘Tea Party’.” I asked.

“Oh right, Tokio Hotel is starting their tour tomorrow so they came to meet you today. And don’t worry, I’ll tell Justin that we will start your video shoot tomorrow.”

I gave her a face and then, I let out a sigh. “Argh, forget it.” I turned back around and started walking to the direction where they were standing. “Hey, I’m Kerli.” I extended my hand.

“I’m Georg,” the boy with long, brown hair responded. He shook my hand and I smiled.

“I’m Gustav,” the one with short, blond hair and black thick-rimmed glass replied. He extended his hand, which I gladly shook.

“Hey, I’m Tom,” the other boy with brown dreadlocks tied up into a pony tail along with a black sweatband said. I smiled, shaking his hand.

And last but not least, his identical twin brother. “Bill,” he simply replied. I shook his hand. There was something different about him…and I don’t me how his style is different. I mean something else…I just can’t explain.

*Bill’s Point of View*

“Bill,” I replied. Luckily for me, my nervousness was able to hide behind my name. I extended my hand and Kerli shook it, flashing a smile. Her hands were soft. Her blue eyes and smile were simply beautiful.

Tom slightly nudged me, telling me that I was holding her hand for way too long now. I could just imagine myself blush as I quickly let go of her hand.

“Sorry we couldn’t be at the studio this morning. An emergency popped up.” Tom apologized.

*Kerli’s Point of View*

Once Tom said that, everyone’s eyes were locked on Bill, who was sheepishly looking down at the floor.

“It’s alright, don’t worry about.” I smiled. “Although, I haven’t quite started working on recording my part, but I will start tomorrow. Umm, let me get out of this and we can go out and eat or something.” They all nodded.


Tom, Georg, and Gustav were up in front, talking about something I had no idea about. That left me and Bill in the back. The silence between us was getting kind of awkward.

“This is awkward…very awkward.” I finally broke the silence. “You don’t seem to be shy in your music videos.” I looked at him. Standing next to him, made me feel very small.

“Appearances can sometimes fool you, you know?” Bill replied. I nodded. “How long have you’ve been in the music industry?”

“Well, I was supposed to get signed to a record label like...7 years ago, but that didn’t work. And now, I definitely got signed to one.” I smiled at myself, thinking of how hard I had to work to get to where I am now. Still, there’s a long way to go.

“You must be very inspirational, Kerli.” Bill commented.

I played with my necklace, moving the pedant up and down on the chain. “But of course, if you want to be somebody in life, you’re going to have to work hard for it. If you don’t, then you’re better off being a nobody.” Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Bill smirking. “Hey, who wants pizza?” I shouted.


©The Fairy of Estonia