Confessions From My Dead Mother

Chapter Two: Boyfriends, Gossip, and Plans, Oh My!

-Part One-

" Cat, wake up. WAKE UP, CAT!!!!

It was Stace's voice yelling at me to wake up, right about the time I felt ice cold water pouring over me.

" I'm up." I screamed looking around trying to figure out where the cold water was coming from.

I was in the shower at Chases' . Stace and Chase were standing there looking at me. I looked down quickly to make sure I still had my clothes on I did.

" How the hell did I get here?' I said trying to extract myself from the ice cold shower."

" Well, it seems you got drunk last night." Chases said grinning.

It took me a minute but I remembered getting plastered last night. I had the migraine to prove it along with a stomach that felt like it had been shredded.

" What the hell happened anyways? You never get drunk."
"Oh, God." I said remembering that Cole and Spence had both been at the party.

" Yeah, we pretty much got that part. So what happened after we went upstairs, I mean the last time we saw you and Spence you were smiling and then we come downstairs Spence is gone, you're drunk, and there are rumors going around that Cole was here."

I shook my head at her trying to get my bearings. I didn't know what to tell either of them. I just needed some time to think I had to figure out how I was going to fix this without making myself look like a slut at school. The rep of a slut was definitely not something I wanted.

" Stace, I can't really talk about this right now, it's pretty complicated and I just need some time to figure it out for myself." I said as I headed for my car to grab some dry clothes. "I need to change and get home. I'll call you later and explain everything, I promise."

I changed into some jeans and a sweater and headed back out to my car to leave. I had to get out of here before Stace started questioning me. I had to get my story straight before I told her anything. She might be my best friend but I didn't want her to let something slip to Spence or Chase.

" Hey just so you know, You made out with Bobby Moore last night." Stace said giggling.

" Gah." I said shaking my heading. This is why I don't drink I always do something stupid. Now I was going to have to cover for that mistake to. I just shook my headed again and got in my car.

On the drive home a plan had began forming inside my mind. I knew it was devious but it just might work if Cole had headed back to school. I f he was at school I could keep him from talking to too many people from here. I slowly began laying the steps I needed to take out in my head. This was definitely going to work. As, soon as I got home I put my plan into motion. The first thing I did was call Cole. His roommate answered and told me he didn't want to talk to me. That was just what I had been hoping for.
I jumped in the shower to clean off the drunk smell from last night. I didn't want to smell like I had been on a bender when I got to Cole's. After I showered I got dressed making sure to wear something that made me look innocent. I chose a light purple fitted sweater and a pair of cute skinny jeans with a pair of purple ballet flats. I went to the mirror to check out my look and noticed how puffy and red my eyes looked. That was definitely going to help my plan. I put on some eye shadow, liner, and blush. I didn't do any foundation because I wanted to look like I had been crying.
I hopped in my car and headed for the coast highway and Bridgeton. I put my next part of the plan into motion. I called my mom. She answered on the first ring.

"Hey, sweetie." She said answering the phone.

" I know I said I was staying at Stace's this weekend but do you mind if I come up there instead?"

" You know you can honey. Is something the matter?"

" Yeah mom, I'm having boyfriend trouble. Is there anyway you can do me a favor?"

"You know I will honey."

" Good if anyone calls tell them that I'm laying down and to upset to talk. I need some time to think. I have a few things to take care of before I come over so don't tell them I'm not there. I don't want them looking for me. I just need sometime by myself."

" I will honey, will you be here for dinner?"

"No, Mom but I'll be there sometime tonight. I gotta go though cause I'm driving."

" Okay, bye sweetie, I'll see you tonight." She said sounding a little less sad than when I usually talked to her.

Spending a couple days with my mom was goanna suck but at least it was beneficial to my plan.

-Part Two-

Two hours later I was headed up to Cole's dorm. My eyeliner was smeared and I knew just how I was going to play this off. I knocked but there wasn't an answer. I knocked again still no answer. Where the hell was he, especially after I had driven my ass all the way up here to try and save our relationship. I sat down right next to his door, I wasn't going to move until he showed up. I was so going to let him have it.
He was supposed to be in his room right now crying, trying to call me or something. He was probably out having fun. He was probably with the skank he'd cheated on me with when he first transferred up here. It was his own fault I had cheated on him with Spence. I mean it's not like he even bothered to confess what he had done either. He didn't know I knew but I had to have some leverage of my own.
I was just going to sit here until he dragged his sorry ass back. I sat there for three freaking hours before I finally spotted him coming up the hall. I jumped up ready to let him have it when I spotted the blonde he was dragging beside him. They were giggling and she was clear drunk off her ass. I couldn't believe his nerve. It was the same slut from the picture. The one he'd cheated on me with. I felt my face flush with anger as they neared where I was standing.

"Cole," I said as he came close enough to hear.
He looked up at me with an expression that made me cringe.
"What are you doing, Cat?" He asked the question with venom in his voice.
" I could ask the same of you but apparently it's something I don't want to know."

I turned stalking down the corridor. I couldn't believe his nerve. I know I had cheated on him but he had cheated first and was still cheating so what did it matter. I felt tears stinging my eyes. I couldn't believe I was going to have to face humiliation on Monday for him. I could already hear the gossip that would be all over the school. At least now the rest of my plan wouldn't be so hard to go through with. Making him look bad would probably save my rep and my relationship with Spence and it was going to be my pleasure.

It took me ten minutes to find my car and as I was sliding behind the wheel a hand grasped my shoulder before I could shut the car door. I looked up into ice blue eyes.

"Let. Me. Go." I said as I balled my hand into a fist. Before I could stop myself I felt my fist make contact with his lip.
" Dam it Cat," he said wiping blood from his bottom lip. "Why did you even bother coming here?"
"Honestly, I don't know now. I wanted to try to explain to you about Spence but as I can see for myself it's pointless."
" No need to explain anything to me, I've already talked to Spence. You Started dating him no sooner than I left for school."
"Like it matters when I started dating him, You shouldn't be so hypocritical when you have a blonde upstairs."
His mouth fell open at that and with his distraction I slammed the door and took off. I was going so fast that on the exit I nearly ran over some guy standing there. Oh great some guy from Cole's school had heard every bit of our argument, how embarrassing. I drove all the way to Spence's house. I knew exactly what I was going to do even if it ruined Cole.

I spotted Spence getting ready to get in his car as I pulled up. I had to get him to talk to me before he left. I was going to win him back even if it killed me. I pulled my car directly behind his blocking him in. He looked back seeing it was me blocking his car and headed for the sidewalk. I hopped out and ran towards him.

"Spence, please talk to me please," I pleaded.
"I can't I'm busy."
I grabbed his arm, "Spence please just give me a chance to explain."
"Fine but make it quick cause I really don't have time for this bullshit," he said sounding pissed.
"Look, I know what you're thinking about me and Cole but it's really not like that."
"Oh, really but from what Cole told me it is."
" I don't know what he's told you but it's not true. All he did was show up in town to cause me trouble. I broke up with him in June after I found out he was cheating on me. He just hasn't gotten it through his head that we're over."

It all came out as a rush and I felt tears clinging to my cheeks as I tried to explain.
"I tried to tell you last night but you just stormed off. He caught me off guard last night I never expected him to pull something like this. I mean I knew he was upset when I broke up with him and even more so when I told him about us but I wouldn't have dreamed that he would try to cause trouble."

"He told me that you guys never broke up, that you had even been up there to see him several times since he moved," He said sounding defeated.

"I don't know he's just been acting like we're still together. He calls, texts, writes all the time. I mean he keeps telling me that even if I was with someone else he would win me back."
I was flat out crying and shaking by the time I got to the part about the texts and calls. I felt Spence's arms go around me. I let him drag me into his house and sit me down on the sofa.

"How long has this been going on?" He asked and there was concern in his voice.
"Sin, Since we broke up in June," I said crying harder. " I didn't want to say anything to anyone because I figured he would just go away. I would have told someone if I knew what he was going to do. I mean it's caused you to hate me."

I was crying harder by the time I got those words out. I wasn't going to lose both of them and at least I was keeping the one who didn't have a girlfriend.

" I love you, cat you know that. I'm just hurt."

I could see his eyes soften and I knew what I had to do I was going to play my trump card.
" You know I care about you, How could I not. I tried to show you that last night. I wanted us to have something special and now he's ruined it."

I watched his face as he registered that I was talking about us having sex and I knew I had him.

" I'm so sorry Cat, I shouldn't have stormed out like that or listened to Cole. I just thought that, I don't know what I thought really. It's just that you guys have a history. I mean you were together for like two years. I guess I was feeling a little insecure."

He sounded so sad and I knew I had him. I put my arms around him and whispered,

"So are you still breaking up with me?

" No, I feel like such an idiot," he said and he kissed me.

The first part of my plan didn't go exactly how I had hoped but at least I had managed to keep Spence now all I had to do was make the school believe what I had told Spence about Cole.

-Part Three-

I spent the rest of Saturday and all day Sunday with Spence. I had completely forgotten about going to my mom's. Spence and I were sitting on his couch watching some stupid action flick when my cell rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller I.D. Just great it was my mom. I thought about sending it voicemail but knew if I did she would be even more upset. I answered the phone right before it would have went to voicemail.

"Hey mom.'

" Hey yourself sweetie."

She sounded really sad, great just what I needed.

" Mom, I'm really sorry I didn't show back up this weekend," I said this while giving Spence a pained expression. " It's just that I really needed to spend some time working things out with Spence.

" I understand sweetie but I thought you were dating Cole."

I didn't want Spence to hear this part of the conversation so I muted my phone and told him it's family stuff can I finish this call upstairs. He just nodded and I didn't unmute my phone until I made it to his room.

" Sorry bout that mom, what were you saying I couldn't hear you?"
I asked making sure Spence hadn't followed me up.

" It's okay hunny I just said that I thought you and Cole were still together. HE was such a good kid writing you all the time and calling. Oh, and speaking of calling he called last night to make sure you made it back. I figured you had so I just told him you were in your room crying and that you didn't want to be bothered."

" Mom you don't have to tell him anything. We're not together anymore, he cheated on me and I've been dating Spence for like four months."
"Oh, I guess I must've heard you tell me but I guess I forgot you know how us old people are."

"I know mom but can I call you back later I'm at Spence's kay."

"Sure sweetie, I love you. I just wanted to ask you one more thing before you go. Are you going to be having Thanksgiving with me or your dad?"

" I hadn't even thought about that Mom let me talk to dad when he gets back and I'll let him know."

"Okay hunny, but Ill let you go so bye."

"Love you to mom, bye," I said hanging up the phone and heading back downstairs.

As I headed for the couch Spence asked,

"Everything Okay?"

" Yeah just stuff about me not coming back to her house this weekend and thanks giving stuff."

"You look upset about it."

" Well it's not so much that. It's just that Cole's been calling Mom here recently looking for me and he called her again yesterday after I left to come find you."

" It's going to be alright, promise," he said pulling me in for a comforting hug.

Yeah my plan was definitely going to work.

Monday at school wasn't bad. It was actually good. I didn't even have to spread the rumors about Cole myself. Apparently Spence told Chase and Stacey what was going on and they had told everyone and I do mean everyone. Of course you know how gossip is so by the time I hit fourth period the story went something like this. I had broke up with Cole when he moved and started cheating on me with a bunch of skanky ho's. He refused to believe we were broken up calling me and harassing me all the time. He continued to do even after I got with Spence. He even tried to rape me according to the gossip mill.

People were telling me how sorry they were and being so nice. I had expected to hear at least one or two slut whore comments but Stace had done a real good job of making anyone who even thought it feel like total shit. Yep, she's the best. The rest of the week passed without any negative comments about me and Spence was made into a kind of hero for sticking by me. So when Friday night rolled around I was in a great mood and the idea of going to the after game party was thrilling. I was going to make myself look even better at the party, I was going to play the completely caring wonderful girlfriend, that I was.The only difference was I was I as actually going to mean it this time cause Spence really was a great boyfriend.